View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0001293 | Main CAcert Website | website content | public | 2014-07-29 20:57 | 2014-12-02 22:49 |
Reporter | Eva | Assigned To | BenBE | ||
Priority | high | Severity | text | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 2014 Q3 | ||||
Target Version | 2014 Q3 | Fixed in Version | 2014 Q3 | ||
Summary | 0001293: Replace CCA document with new DRAFT version | ||||
Description | The CCA was changed by a policy decision. There exists a new drafted version. The document has to be replaced on the webside. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Attached Files | CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727.html (21,813 bytes)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title> CAcert Community Agreement </title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .comment { color : steelblue; } .first-does-not-work { color : red; } .q { color : green; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-style:italic; } .change { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change2 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change3 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change4 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change5 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change6 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change7 { color : blue ; font-weight: bold; } .change8 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change9 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change10 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change11 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change12 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change13 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .strike { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike2 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike4 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike5 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike6 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike7 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike8 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike9 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike10 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike11 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike12 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike13 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } --> </style> </head> <body> <a href=""><img style="float: right; border-width: 0" src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.1" height="31" width="88" /></a> <hr /> <div class="comment"> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td rowspan="2"> Name: CCA <a style="color: steelblue" href="">COD9</a><br /> Status: POLICY <a style="color: steelblue" href="">p20080109.1</a><br /> <span class="draftadd">DRAFT <a style="color: steelblue" href="">p20140709</a></span> <br /> Editor: <a style="color: steelblue" href="">Benedikt</a><br /> Licence: <a style="color: steelblue" href="" title="this document is Copyright © CAcert Inc., licensed openly under CC-by-sa with all disputes resolved under DRP. More at">CC-by-sa+DRP</a><br /> </td> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href=""><img src="images/cacert-policy.png" alt="CCA Status - POLICY" height="31" width="88" style="border-style: none;" /></a> <!-- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX delete this going to POLICY --> <br /> <a href=""><img src="images/cacert-draft.png" alt="CCA Status - DRAFT" height="31" width="88" style="border-style: none;" /></a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <h2> CAcert Community Agreement </h2> <h3> <a name="0"> 0. </a> Introduction </h3> <p> This agreement is between you, being a registered member ("Member") within CAcert's community at large ("Community") and CAcert Incorporated ("CAcert"), being an operator of services to the Community. </p> <h4> <a name="0.1"> 0.1 </a> Terms </h4> <ol><li> "CAcert" means CAcert Inc., a non-profit Association of Members incorporated in New South Wales, Australia. Note that Association Members are distinct from the Members defined here. </li><li> "Member" means you, a registered participant within CAcert's Community, with an account on the website and the facility to request certificates. Members may be individuals ("natural persons") or organisations ("legal persons"). </li><li> "Organisation" is defined under the Organisation Assurance programme, and generally includes corporations and other entities that become Members and become Assured. </li><li> "Community" means all of the Members that are registered by this agreement and other parties by other agreements, all being under CAcert's Arbitration. </li><li> "Non-Related Person" ("NRP"), being someone who is not a Member, is not part of the Community, and has not registered their agreement. <span class="strike7">Such people are offered the NRP-DaL another agreement allowing the USE of certificates.</span> </li><li> <span class="strike7">"Non-Related Persons - Disclaimer and Licence" ("NRP-DaL"), another agreement that is offered to persons outside the Community.</span><span class="change7">(withdrawn)</span> </li><li> "Arbitration" is the Community's forum for resolving disputes, or jurisdiction. </li><li> "Dispute Resolution Policy" ("DRP" => COD7) is the policy and rules for resolving disputes. </li><li> "USE" means the act by your software to conduct its tasks, incorporating the certificates according to software procedures. </li><li> "RELY" means your human act in taking on a risk and liability on the basis of the claim(s) bound within a certificate. </li><li> "OFFER" means the your act of making available your certificate to another person. Generally, you install and configure your software to act as your agent and facilite this and other tasks. OFFER does not imply suggestion of reliance. </li><li> "Issue" means creation of a certificate by CAcert. To create a certificate, CAcert affixes a digital signature from the root onto a public key and other information. This act would generally bind a statement or claim, such as your name, to your key. </li><li> "Root" means CAcert's top level key, used for signing certificates for Members. In this document, the term includes any subroots. </li><li> "CAcert Official Document" ("COD" <span class="strike4">=> COD3</span>) <span class="strike4">in a standard format for describing the details of operation and governance essential to a certificate authority. Changes are managed and controlled. CODs define more technical terms. See 4.2 for listing of relevant CODs.</span> <span class="change4"> is an official managed and controlled document (e. g. a Policy) of CAcert.</span> </li><li> "Certification Practice Statement" ("CPS" => COD6) is the document that controls details about operational matters within CAcert. </li></ol> <h3> <a name="1"> 1. </a> Agreement and Licence </h3> <h4> <a name="1.1"> 1.1 </a> Agreement </h4> <p>You <span class="strike">and CAcert both</span> agree to the terms and conditions in this agreement. Your agreement is given by <span class="change2"> but not limited to</span> <span class="strike2">any of</span></p> <ul><li> your signature on a form to request assurance of identity ("CAP" form), </li><li> your request on the website to join the Community and create an account, </li><li> your request for Organisation Assurance, </li><li> your request for issuing of certificates, or </li><li> if you USE, RELY, or OFFER any certificate issued to you. </li></ul> <p> Your agreement is effective from the date of the first event above that makes this agreement known to you. This Agreement replaces and <span class="strike2"> supercedes prior agreements, including the NRP-DaL.</span> <span class="change2">supersedes any prior agreements.</span> </p> <h4> <a name="1.2"> 1.2 </a> Licence </h4> <p> As part of the Community, CAcert offers you these rights: </p> <ol><li> You may USE any certificates issued by CAcert. </li><li> You may RELY on any certificate issued by CAcert, as explained and limited by CPS (COD6). </li><li> You may OFFER certificates issued to you by CAcert to Members for their RELIANCE. </li><li> You may OFFER certificates issued to you by CAcert to NRPs for their USE, within the general principles of the Community. </li><li> This Licence is free of cost, non-exclusive, and non-transferrable. </li></ol> <h4> <a name="1.3"> 1.3 </a> Your Contributions </h4> <p> You agree to a non-exclusive non-restrictive non-revokable transfer of Licence to CAcert for your contributions. That is, if you post an idea or comment on a CAcert forum, or email it to other Members, your work can be used freely by the Community for CAcert purposes, including placing under CAcert's licences for wider publication. </p> <p> You retain authorship rights, and the rights to also transfer non-exclusive rights to other parties. That is, you can still use your ideas and contributions outside the Community. </p> <p> Note that the following exceptions override this clause: </p> <ol><li> Contributions to controlled documents are subject to Policy on Policy ("PoP" => COD1) </li><li> Source code is subject to an open source licence regime. </li> <li><span class="change">Personal data</span></li> <li><span class="change">Postings under competing licenses if clearly stated when posted<span></li> </ol> <h4> <a name="1.4"> 1.4 </a> Privacy </h4> <p> You give rights to CAcert to store, verify and process and publish your data in accordance with policies in force. These rights include shipping the data to foreign countries for system administration, support and processing purposes. Such shipping will only be done among CAcert Community administrators and Assurers. </p> <p> Privacy is further covered in the Privacy Policy ("PP" => COD5). </p> <h3> <a name="2"> 2. </a> Your Risks, Liabilities and Obligations </h3> <p> As a Member, you have risks, liabilities and obligations within this agreement. </p> <h4> <a name="2.1"> 2.1 </a> Risks </h4> <ol><li> A certificate may prove unreliable. </li><li> Your account, keys or other security tools may be lost or otherwise compromised. </li><li> You may find yourself subject to Arbitration (DRP => COD7). </li></ol> <h4> <a name="2.2"> 2.2 </a> Liabilities </h4> <ol><li> You are liable for any penalties as awarded against you by the Arbitrator. </li><li> Remedies are as defined in the DRP (COD7). An Arbitrator's ruling may include monetary amounts, awarded against you. </li><li> Your liability is limited to a total maximum of <b>1000 Euros</b>. </li><li> "Foreign Courts" may assert jurisdiction. These include your local courts, and are outside our Arbitration. Foreign Courts will generally refer to the Arbitration Act of their country, which will generally refer civil cases to Arbitration. The Arbitration Act will not apply to criminal cases. </li></ol> <h4> <a name="2.3"> 2.3 </a> Obligations </h4> <p> You are obliged </p> <ol><li> to provide accurate information as part of Assurance. You give permission for verification of the information using CAcert-approved methods. </li><li> to make no false representations. </li><li> to submit all your disputes to Arbitration (DRP => COD7). </li><span class="change3"><li> to assist the Arbitrator by truthfully providing information, or with any other reasonable request. </li></span> <span class="change7"><li> to not share your CAcert account. </li></span></ol> <h4> <a name="2.4"> 2.4 </a> Principles </h4> <p> As a Member of CAcert, you are a member of the Community. You are further obliged to work within the spirit of the Principles of the Community. These are described in <a href="">Principles of the Community</a>. </p> <h4> <a name="2.5"> 2.5 </a> Security </h4> <p> CAcert exists to help you to secure yourself. You are primarily responsible for your own security. Your security obligations include </p> <ol><li> to secure yourself and your computing platform (e. g. PC), </li><li> to keep your email account in good working order, </li><li> to secure your CAcert account (e. g., credentials such as username, password), </li><li> to secure your private keys,<span class="change8"> ensuring that they are only used as indicated by the certificate, or by wider agreement with others,</span> </li><li> to review certificates for accuracy, and </li><li> when in doubt, notify CAcert, </li><li> when in doubt, take other reasonable actions, such as revoking certificates, changing account credentials, and/or generating new keys. </li></ol> <p> Where, above, 'secure' means to protect to a reasonable degree, in proportion with your risks and the risks of others. </p> <h3> <a name="3"> 3. </a> Law and Jurisdiction </h3> <h4> <a name="3.1"> 3.1 </a> Governing Law </h4> <p> This agreement is governed under the law of New South Wales, Australia, being the home of the CAcert Inc. Association. </p> <h4> <a name="3.2"> 3.2 </a> Arbitration as Forum of Dispute Resolution </h4> <p> You agree, with CAcert and all of the Community, that all disputes arising out of or in connection to our use of CAcert services shall be referred to and finally resolved by Arbitration under the rules within the Dispute Resolution Policy of CAcert (DRP => COD7). The rules select a single Arbitrator chosen by CAcert from among senior Members in the Community. The ruling of the Arbitrator is binding and final on Members and CAcert alike. </p> <p> In general, the jurisdiction for resolution of disputes is within CAcert's own forum of Arbitration, as defined and controlled by its own rules (DRP => COD7). </p> <p> We use Arbitration for many purposes beyond the strict nature of disputes, such as governance and oversight. A systems administrator may need authorisation to conduct a non-routine action, and Arbitration may provide that authorisation. Thus, you may find yourself party to Arbitration that is simply support actions, and you may file disputes in order to initiate support actions. </p> <h4> <a name="3.3"> 3.3 </a> Termination </h4> <span class="strike12"> <p> You may terminate this agreement by resigning from CAcert. You may do this at any time by writing to CAcert's online support forum and filing dispute to resign. All services will be terminated, and your certificates will be revoked. However, some information will continue to be held for certificate processing purposes. </p> <p> The provisions on Arbitration survive any termination by you by leaving CAcert. That is, even if you resign from CAcert, you are still bound by the DRP (COD7), and the Arbitrator may reinstate any provision of this agreement or bind you to a ruling. </p> <p> Only the Arbitrator may terminate this agreement with you. </p> </span> <span class="change12"> <p>The CAcert Community Agreement is terminated</p> <ol> <li>based on a Policy Group decision following (PoP => COD1). This terminates the Agreement with every member.</li> <li>with a ruling of the Arbitrator or the completion of a termination process defined by an Arbitrator ruling (DRP => COD7).</li> <li>by the end of existence of a member (i.e. death in the case of individuals).</li> </ol> <p>A member may declare the wish to resign from CAcert at any time by writing to <em>support AT</em>. This triggers a process for termination of this agreement with the member.</p> <h4> <a name="3.3"> 3.3a </a> Consequences of Termination </h4> <p>The termination discontinues the right to USE, OFFER and CREATE personal certificates in any account of the former member. Those certificates will be revoked and all services to the former member will be terminated as soon as possible. However, some information will continue to be held for certificate processing purposes.</p> <p>The provisions on Arbitration for the time of membership survive any termination. Former members are still bound by the DRP (COD7), and the Arbitrator may reinstate any provision of this agreement or bind them to a ruling.</p> <p>As far as Organisations are concerned details are also defined in the Organisation Assurance Policy (OAP => COD11).</p> <p>Every member learning about the death of a member or termination of existence of a member should notify <em>support AT</em>.</p> </span> <h4> <a name="3.4"> 3.4 </a> Changes of Agreement </h4> <p> CAcert may from time to time vary the terms of this Agreement. Changes will be done according to the documented CAcert policy for changing policies, and is subject to scrutiny and feedback by the Community. Changes will be notified to you by email to your primary address. </p> <p> If you do not agree to the changes, you may terminate as above. Continued use of the service shall be deemed to be agreement by you. </p> <h4> <a name="3.5"> 3.5 </a> Communication </h4> <p><span class="change6"> You are responsible for keeping your primary email account in good working order and able to receive emails from CAcert.</span></p> <p>Notifications to CAcert are to be sent by email to the address <em>support AT</em>. You should attach a digital signature<span class="strike6">, but need not do so in the event of security or similar urgency</span>.</p> <span class="strike6"> <p>Notifications to you are sent by CAcert to the primary email address registered with your account. You are responsible for keeping your email account in good working order and able to receive emails from CAcert.</p> <p>Arbitration is generally conducted by email.</p></span> <h3> <a name="4"> 4. </a> Miscellaneous </h3> <h4> <a name="4.1"> 4.1 </a> <span class="strike10">Other Parties Within the Community</span> <span class="change10">(withdrawn)</span></h4> <p class="strike10"> As well as you and other Members in the Community, CAcert forms agreements with third party vendors and others. Thus, such parties will also be in the Community. Such agreements are also controlled by the same policy process as this agreement, and they should mirror and reinforce these terms. </p> <h4> <a name="4.2"> 4.2 </a> References and Other Binding Documents </h4> <p class="strike11"> This agreement is CAcert Official Document 9 (COD9) and is a controlled document. </p> <p> You are also bound by <span class="change11"> the Policies of the Community under the control of Policy on Policy ("PoP" => COD1) and listed in <a href="">Controlled Document List</a>. </span> </p> <span class="strike11"> <ol><li> <a href=""> Certification Practice Statement</a> (CPS => COD6). </li><li> <a href=""> Dispute Resolution Policy</a> (DRP => COD7). </li><li> <a href="PrivacyPolicy.html"> Privacy Policy</a> (PP => COD5). </li><li> <a href=""> Principles of the Community</a>. </li></ol> </span> <p class="strike11"> Where documents are referred to as <i>=> COD x</i>, they are controlled documents under the control of Policy on Policies (COD1). </p> <p class ="strike11"> This agreement and controlled documents above are primary, and may not be replaced or waived except by formal policy channels and by Arbitration. </p> <p class="change11"> Controlled documents are primary, and may not be replaced or waived except by formal policy channels and Arbitration. </p> <p class="change11"> This agreement is controlled document COD9. </p> <h4> <a name="4.3"> 4.3 </a> Informative References </h4> <p> The governing documents are in English. Documents may be translated for convenience. Because we cannot control the legal effect of translations, the English documents are the ruling ones. </p> <p class="strike9"> You are encouraged to be familiar with the Assurer Handbook, which provides a more readable introduction for much of the information needed. The Handbook is not however an agreement, and is overruled by this agreement and others listed above. </p> <p class="change9"> Beside this Agreement and the Policies, there are other documents, i. e. Policy Guides, Manuals and Handbooks, supporting and explaining this Agreement and the Policies. These documents are not binding and in doubt this Agreement and the Policies are valid.</p> <h4> <a name="4.4"> 4.4 </a> <span class="strike9">Not Covered in this Agreement</span> <span class="change9">(withdrawn)</span></h4> <p class="strike9"> <b>Intellectual Property.</b> This Licence does not transfer any intellectual property rights ("IPR") to you. CAcert asserts and maintains its IPR over its roots, issued certificates, brands, logos and other assets. Note that the certificates issued to you are CAcert's intellectual property and you do not have rights other than those stated. </p> </body> </html> CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_Edit.html (15,893 bytes)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>CAcert Community Agreement</title> <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ .comment { color : steelblue; } .first-does-not-work { color : red; } .q { color : green; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-style:italic; } .change { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .strike { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } img.c3 {border-style: none;} a.c2 {color: steelblue;} img.c1 {float: right; border-width: 0} /*]]>*/ </style> </head> <body> <div class="comment"> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td rowspan="2">Name: CCA <a class="c2" href= "">COD9</a><br /> Status: POLICY <a class="c2" href= ""> p20080109.1</a><br /> <span class="draftadd">DRAFT <a class="c2" href= ""> p20140709</a></span><br /> Editor: <a class="c2" href= "">Benedikt</a><br /> Licence: <a class="c2" href="" title= "this document is Copyright © CAcert Inc., licensed openly under CC-by-sa with all disputes resolved under DRP. More at"> CC-by-sa+DRP</a><br /></td> <td valign="top" align="right"><a href= ""><img src= "images/cacert-policy.png" alt="CCA Status - POLICY" height="31" width= "88" class="c3" /></a> <!-- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX delete this going to POLICY --><br /> <a href=""><img src= "images/cacert-draft.png" alt="CCA Status - DRAFT" height="31" width= "88" class="c3" /></a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <h2>CAcert Community Agreement</h2> <h3><a name="0">0.</a> Introduction</h3> <p>This agreement is between you, being a registered member ("Member") within CAcert's community at large ("Community") and CAcert Incorporated ("CAcert"), being an operator of services to the Community.</p> <h4><a name="0.1">0.1</a> Terms</h4> <ol> <li>"CAcert" means CAcert Inc., a non-profit Association of Members incorporated in New South Wales, Australia. Note that Association Members are distinct from the Members defined here</li> <li>"Member" means you, a registered participant within CAcert's Community, with an account on the website and the facility to request certificates. Members may be individuals ("natural persons") or organisations ("legal persons").</li> <li>"Organisation" is defined under the Organisation Assurance programme, and generally includes corporations and other entities that become Members and become Assured.</li> <li>"Community" means all of the Members that are registered by this agreement and other parties by other agreements, all being under CAcert's Arbitration.</li> <li>"Non-Related Person" ("NRP"), being someone who is not a Member, is not part of the Community, and has not registered their agreement.</li> <li>(withdrawn)</li> <li>"Arbitration" is the Community's forum for resolving disputes, or jurisdiction.</li> <li>"Dispute Resolution Policy" ("DRP" => COD7) is the policy and rules for resolving disputes.</li> <li>"USE" means the act by your software to conduct its tasks, incorporating the certificates according to software procedures.</li> <li>"RELY" means your human act in taking on a risk and liability on the basis of the claim(s) bound within a certificate.</li> <li>"OFFER" means the your act of making available your certificate to another person. Generally, you install and configure your software to act as your agent and facilite this and other tasks. OFFER does not imply suggestion of reliance.</li> <li>"Issue" means creation of a certificate by CAcert. To create a certificate, CAcert affixes a digital signature from the root onto a public key and other information. This act would generally bind a statement or claim, such as your name, to your key.</li> <li>"Root" means CAcert's top level key, used for signing certificates for Members. In this document, the term includes any subroots.</li> <li>"CAcert Official Document" ("COD") is an official managed and controlled document (e. g. a Policy) of CAcert.</li> <li>"Certification Practice Statement" ("CPS" => COD6) is the document that controls details about operational matters within CAcert.</li> </ol> <h3><a name="1">1.</a> Agreement and Licence</h3> <h4><a name="1.1">1.1</a> Agreement</h4> <p>You agree to the terms and conditions in this agreement. Your agreement is given by but not limited to</p> <ul> <li>your signature on a form to request assurance of identity ("CAP" form),</li> <li>your request on the website to join the Community and create an account,</li> <li>your request for Organisation Assurance,</li> <li>your request for issuing of certificates, or</li> <li>if you USE, RELY, or OFFER any certificate issued to you.</li> </ul> <p>Your agreement is effective from the date of the first event above that makes this agreement known to you. This Agreement replaces and supersedes any prior agreements.</p> <h4><a name="1.2">1.2</a> Licence</h4> <p>As part of the Community, CAcert offers you these rights:</p> <ol> <li>You may USE any certificates issued by CAcert.</li> <li>You may RELY on any certificate issued by CAcert, as explained and limited by CPS (COD6).</li> <li>You may OFFER certificates issued to you by CAcert to Members for their RELIANCE.</li> <li>You may OFFER certificates issued to you by CAcert to NRPs for their USE, within the general principles of the Community.</li> <li>This Licence is free of cost, non-exclusive, and non-transferrable.</li> </ol> <h4><a name="1.3">1.3</a> Your Contributions</h4> <p>You agree to a non-exclusive non-restrictive non-revokable transfer of Licence to CAcert for your contributions. That is, if you post an idea or comment on a CAcert forum, or email it to other Members, your work can be used freely by the Community for CAcert purposes, including placing under CAcert's licences for wider publication.</p> <p>You retain authorship rights, and the rights to also transfer non-exclusive rights to other parties. That is, you can still use your ideas and contributions outside the Community.</p> <p>Note that the following exceptions override this clause:</p> <ol> <li>Contributions to controlled documents are subject to Policy on Policy ("PoP" => COD1)</li> <li>Source code is subject to an open source licence regime.</li> <li>Personal data</li> <li>Postings under competing licenses if clearly stated when posted</li> </ol> <h4><a name="1.4">1.4</a> Privacy</h4> <p>You give rights to CAcert to store, verify and process and publish your data in accordance with policies in force. These rights include shipping the data to foreign countries for system administration, support and processing purposes. Such shipping will only be done among CAcert Community administrators and Assurers.</p> <p>Privacy is further covered in the Privacy Policy ("PP" => COD5).</p> <h3><a name="2">2.</a> Your Risks, Liabilities and Obligations</h3> <p>As a Member, you have risks, liabilities and obligations within this agreement.</p> <h4><a name="2.1">2.1</a> Risks</h4> <ol> <li>A certificate may prove unreliable.</li> <li>Your account, keys or other security tools may be lost or otherwise compromised.</li> <li>You may find yourself subject to Arbitration (DRP => COD7).</li> </ol> <h4><a name="2.2">2.2</a> Liabilities</h4> <ol> <li>You are liable for any penalties as awarded against you by the Arbitrator.</li> <li>Remedies are as defined in the DRP (COD7). An Arbitrator's ruling may include monetary amounts, awarded against you.</li> <li>Your liability is limited to a total maximum of <b>1000 Euros</b>.</li> <li>"Foreign Courts" may assert jurisdiction. These include your local courts, and are outside our Arbitration. Foreign Courts will generally refer to the Arbitration Act of their country, which will generally refer civil cases to Arbitration. The Arbitration Act will not apply to criminal cases.</li> </ol> <h4><a name="2.3">2.3</a> Obligations</h4> <p>You are obliged</p> <ol> <li>to provide accurate information as part of Assurance. You give permission for verification of the information using CAcert-approved methods.</li> <li>to make no false representations.</li> <li>to submit all your disputes to Arbitration (DRP => COD7).</li> <li>to assist the Arbitrator by truthfully providing information, or with any other reasonable request.</li> <li>to not share your CAcert account.</li> </ol> <h4><a name="2.4">2.4</a> Principles</h4> <p>As a Member of CAcert, you are a member of the Community. You are further obliged to work within the spirit of the Principles of the Community. These are described in <a href= "">Principles of the Community</a>.</p> <h4><a name="2.5">2.5</a> Security</h4> <p>CAcert exists to help you to secure yourself. You are primarily responsible for your own security. Your security obligations include</p> <ol> <li>to secure yourself and your computing platform (e. g. PC),</li> <li>to keep your email account in good working order,</li> <li>to secure your CAcert account (e. g., credentials such as username, password),</li> <li>to secure your private keys, ensuring that they are only used as indicated by the certificate, or by wider agreement with others,</li> <li>to review certificates for accuracy, and</li> <li>when in doubt, notify CAcert,</li> <li>when in doubt, take other reasonable actions, such as revoking certificates, changing account credentials, and/or generating new keys.</li> </ol> <p>Where, above, 'secure' means to protect to a reasonable degree, in proportion with your risks and the risks of others.</p> <h3><a name="3">3.</a> Law and Jurisdiction</h3> <h4><a name="3.1">3.1</a> Governing Law</h4> <p>This agreement is governed under the law of New South Wales, Australia, being the home of the CAcert Inc. Association.</p> <h4><a name="3.2">3.2</a> Arbitration as Forum of Dispute Resolution</h4> <p>You agree, with CAcert and all of the Community, that all disputes arising out of or in connection to our use of CAcert services shall be referred to and finally resolved by Arbitration under the rules within the Dispute Resolution Policy of CAcert (DRP => COD7). The rules select a single Arbitrator chosen by CAcert from among senior Members in the Community. The ruling of the Arbitrator is binding and final on Members and CAcert alike.</p> <p>In general, the jurisdiction for resolution of disputes is within CAcert's own forum of Arbitration, as defined and controlled by its own rules (DRP => COD7).</p> <p>We use Arbitration for many purposes beyond the strict nature of disputes, such as governance and oversight. A systems administrator may need authorisation to conduct a non-routine action, and Arbitration may provide that authorisation. Thus, you may find yourself party to Arbitration that is simply support actions, and you may file disputes in order to initiate support actions.</p> <h4><a name="3.3">3.3</a> Termination</h4> <p>The CAcert Community Agreement is terminated</p> <ol> <li>based on a Policy Group decision following (PoP => COD1). This terminates the Agreement with every member.</li> <li>with a ruling of the Arbitrator or the completion of a termination process defined by an Arbitrator ruling (DRP => COD7).</li> <li>by the end of existence of a member (i.e. death in the case of individuals).</li> </ol> <p>A member may declare the wish to resign from CAcert at any time by writing to <em>support AT</em>. This triggers a process for termination of this agreement with the member.</p> <h4><a name="3.3">3.3a</a> Consequences of Termination</h4> <p>The termination discontinues the right to USE, OFFER and CREATE personal certificates in any account of the former member. Those certificates will be revoked and all services to the former member will be terminated as soon as possible. However, some information will continue to be held for certificate processing purposes.</p> <p>The provisions on Arbitration for the time of membership survive any termination. Former members are still bound by the DRP (COD7), and the Arbitrator may reinstate any provision of this agreement or bind them to a ruling.</p> <p>As far as Organisations are concerned details are also defined in the Organisation Assurance Policy (OAP => COD11).</p> <p>Every member learning about the death of a member or termination of existence of a member should notify <em>support AT</em>.</p> <h4><a name="3.4">3.4</a> Changes of Agreement</h4> <p>CAcert may from time to time vary the terms of this Agreement. Changes will be done according to the documented CAcert policy for changing policies, and is subject to scrutiny and feedback by the Community. Changes will be notified to you by email to your primary address.</p> <p>If you do not agree to the changes, you may terminate as above. Continued use of the service shall be deemed to be agreement by you.</p> <h4><a name="3.5">3.5</a> Communication</h4> <p>You are responsible for keeping your primary email account in good working order and able to receive emails from CAcert.</p> <p>Notifications to CAcert are to be sent by email to the address <em>support AT</em>. You should attach a digital signature.</p> <h3><a name="4">4.</a> Miscellaneous</h3> <h4><a name="4.1">4.1</a> (withdrawn)</h4> <h4><a name="4.2">4.2</a> References and Other Binding Documents</h4> <p>You are also bound by the Policies of the Community under the control of Policy on Policy ("PoP" => COD1) and listed in <a href= "">Controlled Document List</a>.</p> <p>Controlled documents are primary, and may not be replaced or waived except by formal policy channels and Arbitration.</p> <p>This agreement is controlled document COD9.</p> <h4><a name="4.3">4.3</a> Informative References</h4> <p>The governing documents are in English. Documents may be translated for convenience. Because we cannot control the legal effect of translations, the English documents are the ruling ones.</p> <p>Beside this Agreement and the Policies, there are other documents, i. e. Policy Guides, Manuals and Handbooks, supporting and explaining this Agreement and the Policies. These documents are not binding and in doubt this Agreement and the Policies are valid.</p> <h4><a name="4.4">4.4</a>(withdrawn)</h4> </body> </html> CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_bh.html (22,144 bytes)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title> CAcert Community Agreement </title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .comment { color : steelblue; } .first-does-not-work { color : red; } .q { color : green; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-style:italic; } .change { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change2 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change3 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change4 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change5 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change6 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change7 { color : blue ; font-weight: bold; } .change8 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change9 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change10 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change11 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change12 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .change13 { color : blue; font-weight: bold; } .strike { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike2 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike4 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike5 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike6 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike7 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike8 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike9 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike10 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike11 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike12 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } .strike13 { color : blue; text-decoration:line-through; } --> </style> </head> <body> <div class="comment"> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td rowspan="2"> Name: CCA <a style="color: steelblue" href="">COD9</a><br /> Status: POLICY <a style="color: steelblue" href="">p20080109.1</a><br /> <span class="draftadd">DRAFT <a style="color: steelblue" href="">p20140709</a></span> <br /> Editor: <a style="color: steelblue" href="">Benedikt</a><br /> Licence: <a style="color: steelblue" href="" title="this document is Copyright © CAcert Inc., licensed openly under CC-by-sa with all disputes resolved under DRP. More at">CC-by-sa+DRP</a><br /> </td> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href=""><img src="images/cacert-policy.png" alt="CCA Status - POLICY" height="31" width="88" style="border-style: none;" /></a> <!-- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX delete this going to POLICY --> <br /> <a href=""><img src="images/cacert-draft.png" alt="CCA Status - DRAFT" height="31" width="88" style="border-style: none;" /></a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <h2>CAcert Community Agreement</h2> <h3><a name="0">0.</a> Introduction</h3> <p>This agreement is between you, being a registered member ("Member") within CAcert's community at large ("Community") and CAcert Incorporated ("CAcert"), being an operator of services to the Community.</p> <h4><a name="0.1">0.1</a> Terms</h4> <ol> <li>"CAcert" means CAcert Inc., a non-profit Association of Members incorporated in New South Wales, Australia. Note that Association Members are distinct from the Members defined here.</li> <li>"Member" means you, a registered participant within CAcert's Community, with an account on the website and the facility to request certificates. Members may be individuals ("natural persons") or organisations ("legal persons").</li> <li>"Organisation" is defined under the Organisation Assurance programme, and generally includes corporations and other entities that become Members and become Assured.</li> <li>"Community" means all of the Members that are registered by this agreement and other parties by other agreements, all being under CAcert's Arbitration.</li> <li>"Non-Related Person" ("NRP"), being someone who is not a Member, is not part of the Community, and has not registered their agreement. <span class= "strike7">Such people are offered the NRP-DaL another agreement allowing the USE of certificates.</span></li> <li><span class="strike7">"Non-Related Persons - Disclaimer and Licence" ("NRP-DaL"), another agreement that is offered to persons outside the Community.</span><span class="change7">(withdrawn)</span></li> <li>"Arbitration" is the Community's forum for resolving disputes, or jurisdiction.</li> <li>"Dispute Resolution Policy" ("DRP" => COD7) is the policy and rules for resolving disputes.</li> <li>"USE" means the act by your software to conduct its tasks, incorporating the certificates according to software procedures.</li> <li>"RELY" means your human act in taking on a risk and liability on the basis of the claim(s) bound within a certificate.</li> <li>"OFFER" means the your act of making available your certificate to another person. Generally, you install and configure your software to act as your agent and facilite this and other tasks. OFFER does not imply suggestion of reliance.</li> <li>"Issue" means creation of a certificate by CAcert. To create a certificate, CAcert affixes a digital signature from the root onto a public key and other information. This act would generally bind a statement or claim, such as your name, to your key.</li> <li>"Root" means CAcert's top level key, used for signing certificates for Members. In this document, the term includes any subroots.</li> <li>"CAcert Official Document" ("COD" <span class="strike4">=> COD3</span>) <span class="strike4">in a standard format for describing the details of operation and governance essential to a certificate authority. Changes are managed and controlled. CODs define more technical terms. See 4.2 for listing of relevant CODs.</span> <span class="change4">is an official managed and controlled document (e. g. a Policy) of CAcert.</span></li> <li>"Certification Practice Statement" ("CPS" => COD6) is the document that controls details about operational matters within CAcert.</li> </ol> <h3><a name="1">1.</a> Agreement and Licence</h3> <h4><a name="1.1">1.1</a> Agreement</h4> <p>You <span class="strike">and CAcert both</span> agree to the terms and conditions in this agreement. Your agreement is given by <span class= "change2">but not limited to</span> <span class="strike2">any of</span></p> <ul> <li>your signature on a form to request assurance of identity ("CAP" form),</li> <li>your request on the website to join the Community and create an account,</li> <li>your request for Organisation Assurance,</li> <li>your request for issuing of certificates, or</li> <li>if you USE, RELY, or OFFER any certificate issued to you.</li> </ul> <p>Your agreement is effective from the date of the first event above that makes this agreement known to you. This Agreement replaces and <span class= "strike2">supercedes prior agreements, including the NRP-DaL.</span> <span class="change2">supersedes any prior agreements.</span></p> <h4><a name="1.2">1.2</a> Licence</h4> <p>As part of the Community, CAcert offers you these rights:</p> <ol> <li>You may USE any certificates issued by CAcert.</li> <li>You may RELY on any certificate issued by CAcert, as explained and limited by CPS (COD6).</li> <li>You may OFFER certificates issued to you by CAcert to Members for their RELIANCE.</li> <li>You may OFFER certificates issued to you by CAcert to NRPs for their USE, within the general principles of the Community.</li> <li>This Licence is free of cost, non-exclusive, and non-transferrable.</li> </ol> <h4><a name="1.3">1.3</a> Your Contributions</h4> <p>You agree to a non-exclusive non-restrictive non-revokable transfer of Licence to CAcert for your contributions. That is, if you post an idea or comment on a CAcert forum, or email it to other Members, your work can be used freely by the Community for CAcert purposes, including placing under CAcert's licences for wider publication.</p> <p>You retain authorship rights, and the rights to also transfer non-exclusive rights to other parties. That is, you can still use your ideas and contributions outside the Community.</p> <p>Note that the following exceptions override this clause:</p> <ol> <li>Contributions to controlled documents are subject to Policy on Policy ("PoP" => COD1)</li> <li>Source code is subject to an open source licence regime.</li> <li><span class="change">Personal data</span></li> <li><span class="change">Postings under competing licenses if clearly stated when posted</span></li> </ol> <h4><a name="1.4">1.4</a> Privacy</h4> <p>You give rights to CAcert to store, verify and process and publish your data in accordance with policies in force. These rights include shipping the data to foreign countries for system administration, support and processing purposes. Such shipping will only be done among CAcert Community administrators and Assurers.</p> <p>Privacy is further covered in the Privacy Policy ("PP" => COD5).</p> <h3><a name="2">2.</a> Your Risks, Liabilities and Obligations</h3> <p>As a Member, you have risks, liabilities and obligations within this agreement.</p> <h4><a name="2.1">2.1</a> Risks</h4> <ol> <li>A certificate may prove unreliable.</li> <li>Your account, keys or other security tools may be lost or otherwise compromised.</li> <li>You may find yourself subject to Arbitration (DRP => COD7).</li> </ol> <h4><a name="2.2">2.2</a> Liabilities</h4> <ol> <li>You are liable for any penalties as awarded against you by the Arbitrator.</li> <li>Remedies are as defined in the DRP (COD7). An Arbitrator's ruling may include monetary amounts, awarded against you.</li> <li>Your liability is limited to a total maximum of <b>1000 Euros</b>.</li> <li>"Foreign Courts" may assert jurisdiction. These include your local courts, and are outside our Arbitration. Foreign Courts will generally refer to the Arbitration Act of their country, which will generally refer civil cases to Arbitration. The Arbitration Act will not apply to criminal cases.</li> </ol> <h4><a name="2.3">2.3</a> Obligations</h4> <p>You are obliged</p> <ol> <li>to provide accurate information as part of Assurance. You give permission for verification of the information using CAcert-approved methods.</li> <li>to make no false representations.</li> <li>to submit all your disputes to Arbitration (DRP => COD7).</li> <li><span class="change">to assist the Arbitrator by truthfully providing information, or with any other reasonable request.</span></li> <li><span class="change7">to not share your CAcert account.</span></li> </ol> <h4><a name="2.4">2.4</a> Principles</h4> <p>As a Member of CAcert, you are a member of the Community. You are further obliged to work within the spirit of the Principles of the Community. These are described in <a href= "">Principles of the Community</a>.</p> <h4><a name="2.5">2.5</a> Security</h4> <p>CAcert exists to help you to secure yourself. You are primarily responsible for your own security. Your security obligations include</p> <ol> <li>to secure yourself and your computing platform (e. g. PC),</li> <li>to keep your email account in good working order,</li> <li>to secure your CAcert account (e. g., credentials such as username, password),</li> <li>to secure your private keys, <span class="change8">ensuring that they are only used as indicated by the certificate, or by wider agreement with others,</span></li> <li>to review certificates for accuracy, and</li> <li>when in doubt, notify CAcert,</li> <li>when in doubt, take other reasonable actions, such as revoking certificates, changing account credentials, and/or generating new keys.</li> </ol> <p>Where, above, 'secure' means to protect to a reasonable degree, in proportion with your risks and the risks of others.</p> <h3><a name="3">3.</a> Law and Jurisdiction</h3> <h4><a name="3.1">3.1</a> Governing Law</h4> <p>This agreement is governed under the law of New South Wales, Australia, being the home of the CAcert Inc. Association.</p> <h4><a name="3.2">3.2</a> Arbitration as Forum of Dispute Resolution</h4> <p>You agree, with CAcert and all of the Community, that all disputes arising out of or in connection to our use of CAcert services shall be referred to and finally resolved by Arbitration under the rules within the Dispute Resolution Policy of CAcert (DRP => COD7). The rules select a single Arbitrator chosen by CAcert from among senior Members in the Community. The ruling of the Arbitrator is binding and final on Members and CAcert alike.</p> <p>In general, the jurisdiction for resolution of disputes is within CAcert's own forum of Arbitration, as defined and controlled by its own rules (DRP => COD7).</p> <p>We use Arbitration for many purposes beyond the strict nature of disputes, such as governance and oversight. A systems administrator may need authorisation to conduct a non-routine action, and Arbitration may provide that authorisation. Thus, you may find yourself party to Arbitration that is simply support actions, and you may file disputes in order to initiate support actions.</p> <h4><a name="3.3">3.3</a> Termination</h4> <p><span class="strike12">You may terminate this agreement by resigning from CAcert. You may do this at any time by writing to CAcert's online support forum and filing dispute to resign. All services will be terminated, and your certificates will be revoked. However, some information will continue to be held for certificate processing purposes.</span></p> <p><span class="strike12">The provisions on Arbitration survive any termination by you by leaving CAcert. That is, even if you resign from CAcert, you are still bound by the DRP (COD7), and the Arbitrator may reinstate any provision of this agreement or bind you to a ruling.</span></p> <p><span class="strike12">Only the Arbitrator may terminate this agreement with you.</span></p> <p><span class="change12">The CAcert Community Agreement is terminated</span></p> <ol> <li><span class="change12">based on a Policy Group decision following (PoP => COD1). This terminates the Agreement with every member.</span></li> <li><span class="change12">with a ruling of the Arbitrator or the completion of a termination process defined by an Arbitrator ruling (DRP => COD7).</span></li> <li><span class="change12">by the end of existence of a member (i.e. death in the case of individuals).</span></li> </ol> <p><span class="change12">A member may declare the wish to resign from CAcert at any time by writing to <em>support AT</em>. This triggers a process for termination of this agreement with the member.</span></p> <h4><span class="change12"><a name="3.3">3.3a</a> Consequences of Termination</span></h4> <p><span class="change12">The termination discontinues the right to USE, OFFER and CREATE personal certificates in any account of the former member. Those certificates will be revoked and all services to the former member will be terminated as soon as possible. However, some information will continue to be held for certificate processing purposes.</span></p> <p><span class="change12">The provisions on Arbitration for the time of membership survive any termination. Former members are still bound by the DRP (COD7), and the Arbitrator may reinstate any provision of this agreement or bind them to a ruling.</span></p> <p><span class="change12">As far as Organisations are concerned details are also defined in the Organisation Assurance Policy (OAP => COD11).</span></p> <p><span class="change12">Every member learning about the death of a member or termination of existence of a member should notify <em>support AT</em>.</span></p> <h4><a name="3.4">3.4</a> Changes of Agreement</h4> <p>CAcert may from time to time vary the terms of this Agreement. Changes will be done according to the documented CAcert policy for changing policies, and is subject to scrutiny and feedback by the Community. Changes will be notified to you by email to your primary address.</p> <p>If you do not agree to the changes, you may terminate as above. Continued use of the service shall be deemed to be agreement by you.</p> <h4><a name="3.5">3.5</a> Communication</h4> <p><span class="change6">You are responsible for keeping your primary email account in good working order and able to receive emails from CAcert.</span></p> <p>Notifications to CAcert are to be sent by email to the address <em>support AT</em>. You should attach a digital signature<span class= "strike6">, but need not do so in the event of security or similar urgency</span>.</p> <p><span class="strike6">Notifications to you are sent by CAcert to the primary email address registered with your account. You are responsible for keeping your email account in good working order and able to receive emails from CAcert.</span></p> <p><span class="strike6">Arbitration is generally conducted by email.</span></p> <h3><a name="4">4.</a> Miscellaneous</h3> <h4><a name="4.1">4.1</a> <span class="strike10">Other Parties Within the Community</span> <span class="change10">(withdrawn)</span></h4> <p class="strike10">As well as you and other Members in the Community, CAcert forms agreements with third party vendors and others. Thus, such parties will also be in the Community. Such agreements are also controlled by the same policy process as this agreement, and they should mirror and reinforce these terms.</p> <h4><a name="4.2">4.2</a> References and Other Binding Documents</h4> <p class="strike11">This agreement is CAcert Official Document 9 (COD9) and is a controlled document.</p> <p>You are also bound by <span class="change11">the Policies of the Community under the control of Policy on Policy ("PoP" => COD1) and listed in <a href= "">Controlled Document List</a>.</span></p> <ol> <li><span class="strike11"><a href= "">Certification Practice Statement</a> (CPS => COD6).</span></li> <li><span class="strike11"><a href= "">Dispute Resolution Policy</a> (DRP => COD7).</span></li> <li><span class="strike11"><a href="PrivacyPolicy.html">Privacy Policy</a> (PP => COD5).</span></li> <li><span class="strike11"><a href= "">Principles of the Community</a>.</span></li> </ol> <p class="strike11">Where documents are referred to as <i>=> COD x</i>, they are controlled documents under the control of Policy on Policies (COD1).</p> <p class="strike11">This agreement and controlled documents above are primary, and may not be replaced or waived except by formal policy channels and by Arbitration.</p> <p class="change11">Controlled documents are primary, and may not be replaced or waived except by formal policy channels and Arbitration.</p> <p class="change11">This agreement is controlled document COD9.</p> <h4><a name="4.3">4.3</a> Informative References</h4> <p>The governing documents are in English. Documents may be translated for convenience. Because we cannot control the legal effect of translations, the English documents are the ruling ones.</p> <p class="strike9">You are encouraged to be familiar with the Assurer Handbook, which provides a more readable introduction for much of the information needed. The Handbook is not however an agreement, and is overruled by this agreement and others listed above.</p> <p class="change9">Beside this Agreement and the Policies, there are other documents, i. e. Policy Guides, Manuals and Handbooks, supporting and explaining this Agreement and the Policies. These documents are not binding and in doubt this Agreement and the Policies are valid.</p> <h4><a name="4.4">4.4</a> <span class="strike9">Not Covered in this Agreement</span> <span class="change9">(withdrawn)</span></h4> <p class="strike9"><b>Intellectual Property.</b> This Licence does not transfer any intellectual property rights ("IPR") to you. CAcert asserts and maintains its IPR over its roots, issued certificates, brands, logos and other assets. Note that the certificates issued to you are CAcert's intellectual property and you do not have rights other than those stated.</p> </body> </html> | ||||
Reviewed by | Ted, BenBE | ||||
Test Instructions | |||||
I used the link to the CCA. The DRAFT version of the CCA is shown. => ok |
on Win7 Pro with FF I get the message: Fehler: Umleitungsfehler Die aufgerufene Website leitet die Anfrage so um, dass sie nie beendet werden kann. with Chrome: Diese Webseite weist eine Weiterleitung auf. => fail |
It fails by me, now, also. => fail |
The redirection is a bug with the Testserver Apache configuration containing an explicit RedirectMatch temp for the .html version. As the testserver-stable branch renames the .php to .html the .html effectively becomes unavilable. Using the bug-1293 as checked-out version the policy was available for testing as it will be sent of to the live system. Doing this an issue with the XML header line was detected; which is still to be fixed. |
show the CCA => OK |
I opened the CAcertCommunityAgreement.php on the current "bug-1293"-branch which was deployed on the testserver. It showed the updated CommunityAgreement. => OK |
I fixed the testserver configuration causing an infinite redirection loop. This was live testet by magu@felix (as indicated above) by checking the PHP version on the bug-1293 branch as well as the redirection on the testserver-stable branch (currently active after mentioned fix was installed). The latest change in the document is modification of the DOCTYPE from XHTML 1.1 to HTML 5 to synchronise with the other policy documents. Please do a second review and submit to crit ASAP. |
Reviewed commit fa3a17789986431c15dac26c43a8100ee7e8d0d4 vs. c5215ac4fc75fbf10c96b7426885b39a74ad7fa7 Review findings Only different file is www/policy/CAcertCommunityAgreement.php, checked file of commit c5215a... Only external source is Only external link is No executable code (scripts, plugins) is used. Internal sources use relative URL. Internal hyperrefs use mixed absolute and relativr UTLs. Internal absolute hyperrefs use mixed secure and insecure links. Conclusion Review is a FAIL because: Use of an external source ( needs a reason (in form of comment). So either remove the external source (my preference) or add a comment why it is necessary. More recommendations For hyperrefs absolute and relative URLs to the same server should not be mixed without reason. is absolutely referenced in lines 141, 145, 634, 637, whereas line 640 uses relative URL, I don't see a reason for different behaviour. I'd propose to use relative URLs in all these lines, though I've no problems with absolute URLs everywhere. Hyperrefs to the same server should not mix HTTP and HTTPS without reason. References to are HTTP at lines 432 and 643, whereas HTTPS is used at 133 and 268. If there's no reason to do otherwise, HTTPS should be preferred. Proposed changes are commited as 39a1f94bb932fe0c1b9084b3a8e22aec54feebaf. |
Another little thing, is it intentional that both logos (DRAFT and POLICY) are shown? IMHO only the one which shows the current state should be used, to avoid confusion. But I don't consider this as a showstopper. |
I cannot give a reference to a policy (only to now deprecated policy documents) to show, that the logos were handled like this for policies who had reached POLICY status once and were drafted afterewards again with some changes. There is currently no description how this should be treated. Policy on Policies only tells us, that Policy Group changes to policies who have reached POLICY status need a policy decision to be changed. (no pun intended) The possibly other relevant policy is in WiP status so not binding. As we plan to have only a short DRAFT staus for the CCA, this is probably not such an important issue. Much more important is to get the correct content of the currently binding CCA on the website. Not doing so violates our policies more than the question regarding the image, as no policy coveres this. Also the relevant policy decisions regarding the status are contained in the document. |
Comment on the extrnal link from the point of view of Policy Officer: I'm not a SA so I cannot give a review. But I am responsible for the organisation of the policies and the Policy Group so may comment here: Software team is currently NOT allowed to change the file and to replace the link, as it was voted on like this by policy group. There are only two persons who currently may change things like links. This are me as Policy Officer (based on policy group decision p20100306 and the editor (Benedikt) based on PoP 2.5. (The last voted version on PoP can be found: (The one on the website is NOT correct - this neither, as it just reached POLICY status and currently refers to DRAFT status AND it is at the wrong place, but there currently is no correct version.) Both references are likewise and say: "[Editor / Policy Officer] may make the following changes, where it is clear that the change does not change the policy: * fixes to errors in grammar and spelling, * anchors, HTML errors, URLs & formatting, * COD numbers and other references, and * other minutiae, as agreed under 2.3. Such changes to be notified to the policy group, and to be folded into effect, etc, without further ado. " The external link was in all the versions Policy Group considered on the policy group, starting with the one entered by the editor. The corresponding file on the current website, also contains this external link. |
1. I am a Software Asessor, and therefor it's my job to review changes which are intended to be implemented on the CAcert website. The current file on the current website ( does not contain this external source, please check again. External sources are not under our control, so they may change without anyone of us noticing. Which could easily lead to massive changes in the page outside of our control! It's the SA's primary job to prevent such things from happening and so I cannot pass over this. 2. Removing this icon is well inside the competence of the Editor, since it's quite obvious that it does not change the policy in any way, and therefor falls into the regime of formatting. 3. Currently only two persons may publish a changed version of this file. IMHO everyone may propose changes. That's what I did by commiting my proposal for the new file to, just to ease the work of the Editor a little bit. If the Editor should come to the conclusion that the proposal is wanting or not appropriate nothing prevents her/him from continuing the editing based on the previous version. BTW, that's exactly what GIT and similar versioning tools are intended for... |
You my give such proposals. But the authority to decide on this links is at PolicyGroup. Else they could not give single roles the right to do so as well. Software Team is NOT on this list. As long as there is no other decision from either PolG or PolO or the editor of the CCA, the correct content includes this links as they are. Sure, if a document decided on by policy group would be actual harmful for the software running on our system, you can block it, but only then. This is not your reasoning. I spoke with the editor, yesterday, he was not interested in changing anything. I as well do not want to do this at this time, as there will have editoral changes again, when the CCA is moved to POLICY status, which probably will be about a month after the current change is done. So I see no need to change anything at this time. It is unlikely that the external link will be invalid during this perios. And even if it is, it will get attention "soon". |
Reviewed the recent commit e4b1ef52c2def29e9c2db96f4fdbd5c8bc470094 vs. c5215ac4fc75fbf10c96b7426885b39a74ad7fa7 The only change is the removal of the valid-xhtml11 icon (including the external source). The review is PASSED. The further recommendations are still in place, but are not considered security relevant. |
The reviewed commit may only be done with the decision of PolG, PolO or the editor. As I just declared my resignation as PolO I recommend to ask the editor and have tried to contact him. Test result: I tried different links to the CCA on the testserver. The document displayed looked as what I expected to see (without the discussed image). |
Please review and deploy the changed file: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_Edit.html It covers all your named wishes to change. |
Please use the newly provided file (just uploaded), the older had additional meta data that should not had been there. - Sorry for the mistake. |
If the version added by Benedikt here is the one presented on PolG I doubt that he has the right to do all the changes at this time, as it does not show which parts are new because of the drafting and which ones are old. (Also it does miss the images to indicate the status.) As people should be able to grasp the differences I would file a dispute, if anybody would try to get a version that does not display the changes online as a DRAFT version, because our members should be able to understand the changes easily without the need to search for the according Policy Group decisions. |
The latest version from the bugtracker has been pushed to the testserver. The file differs from the version presented on the mailing list by some minute details in formatting, but not wording (line wrapping is different for some paragraphs). Although I can understand Eva's position here and it might be advantageous to include the differences to the old policy document it's not for Software to decide; thus if Policy asks to put this version up I do not see an issue as long as security aspects are met. This is given for the current document version. @Benedikt: Short ACK on this version OR if you want to do another round of changes in order to highlight the difference. |
The latest attached file corresponds with the requested format. |
Reviewed commit 055e0f95fa724942ab467b9fbb05449a72095358 Refiew findings (Mental note: First line needs to be PHP "escaped" because of the <?xml?> tag) - The comments in style section are irritating, but acceptable - No scripts or otherwise executable components - All hyperrefs are absolute - All hyperrefs use HTTPS, hyperrefs only inside the domain - All sources use relative URL No check was made whether the document conforms to the policy decision Conclusion Review is PASSED. The comments in the style section are deprecated, but acceptable. |
Even as it is not linked, the latest document does NOT match the policy decisions. The markup is not ok in great parts. 1.4 - 2.3 is not completely added. This version should not be allowed. |
Note to testers: the version on the testserver is not yet the latest one. It has not been updated yet because of objections from Eva - I'll be checking the situation later today. Thus (short summary): The latest accepted version is the _Edit one, which is missing the blue markup and thus not conforming to policy. The _bh version has received objections which wait to be checked, decision pending. |
File "_bh" replaced. I was in a hurry yesterday evening. |
File updated for latest version by Benedikt at 2014-08-19 20:56. Please test and review. |
Test: matches the distributed file on Mailing List => OK |
I just tested the link from policy list, cert generation, start page, assure someone. On all pages the link shows the CCA. => ok |
Reviewed commit 1e079aba2cf37259a3506026e4b748465f3c6f3a Review findings Positive: - No scripts or otherwise executable components found - All sources use relative url - All hyperrefs have targes inside the domain Negative: - Hyperrefs to the same target server (, are mixed HTTP and HTTPS. This is irritating, is there a reason for it? - Hyperrefs to the same location ( are mixed absolute and relative, while no reason is obvious. Is there a reason for it? Conclusion The review is PASSED. While I recommend to fix or explain the Negative issues they are not security relevant and therefor acceptable. |
The patch has been installed on the production server on August 29, 2014. See also: |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2014-07-29 20:57 | Eva | New Issue | |
2014-07-29 20:57 | Eva | Assigned To | => BenBE |
2014-07-29 20:57 | Eva | File Added: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727.html | |
2014-07-29 21:20 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable 0175ca33 |
2014-07-29 21:20 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable 290f1326 |
2014-07-29 22:26 | BenBE | Reviewed by | => BenBE |
2014-07-29 22:26 | BenBE | Severity | minor => text |
2014-07-29 22:26 | BenBE | Status | new => needs review & testing |
2014-07-29 22:26 | BenBE | Product Version | => 2014 Q3 |
2014-07-29 22:26 | BenBE | Target Version | => 2014 Q3 |
2014-07-29 22:30 | Eva | Note Added: 0004911 | |
2014-08-12 19:46 | INOPIAE | Note Added: 0004935 | |
2014-08-12 20:22 | Eva | Note Added: 0004937 | |
2014-08-12 21:19 | BenBE | Note Added: 0004938 | |
2014-08-13 22:15 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable d53c5ce9 |
2014-08-13 22:15 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable c5215ac4 |
2014-08-13 22:22 | MartinGummi | Note Added: 0004939 | |
2014-08-13 22:22 | felixd | Note Added: 0004940 | |
2014-08-13 22:23 | felixd | Note Edited: 0004940 | |
2014-08-14 08:52 | BenBE | Note Added: 0004941 | |
2014-08-14 08:52 | BenBE | Status | needs review & testing => needs review |
2014-08-15 17:56 | Ted | Note Added: 0004942 | |
2014-08-15 18:00 | Ted | Note Added: 0004943 | |
2014-08-15 18:05 | Ted | Note Edited: 0004943 | |
2014-08-15 21:40 | Eva | Note Added: 0004949 | |
2014-08-16 04:58 | Eva | Note Added: 0004950 | |
2014-08-16 21:45 | Ted | Note Added: 0004953 | |
2014-08-17 13:11 | Eva | Note Added: 0004954 | |
2014-08-17 15:40 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable c214e41a |
2014-08-17 15:40 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable e4b1ef52 |
2014-08-17 15:58 | Ted | Note Added: 0004958 | |
2014-08-17 15:58 | Ted | Reviewed by | BenBE => Ted, BenBE |
2014-08-17 16:03 | Eva | Note Added: 0004959 | |
2014-08-17 16:31 | Eva | Note Edited: 0004959 | |
2014-08-17 16:35 | Eva | Note Edited: 0004959 | |
2014-08-17 21:27 | Benedikt | File Added: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_Edit.html | |
2014-08-17 21:28 | Benedikt | Note Added: 0004960 | |
2014-08-17 21:50 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable 846b7a12 |
2014-08-17 21:58 | Benedikt | File Deleted: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_Edit.html | |
2014-08-17 21:59 | Benedikt | File Added: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_Edit.html | |
2014-08-17 22:00 | Benedikt | Note Added: 0004961 | |
2014-08-18 05:15 | Eva | Note Added: 0004962 | |
2014-08-18 05:25 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable ad4eeea9 |
2014-08-18 05:25 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable 055e0f95 |
2014-08-18 05:33 | BenBE | Note Added: 0004963 | |
2014-08-18 19:48 | Benedikt | File Added: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_bh.html | |
2014-08-18 19:49 | Benedikt | Note Added: 0004964 | |
2014-08-18 20:15 | Ted | Note Added: 0004965 | |
2014-08-19 04:56 | Eva | Note Added: 0004966 | |
2014-08-19 07:52 | BenBE | Note Added: 0004967 | |
2014-08-19 18:54 | Benedikt | File Deleted: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_bh.html | |
2014-08-19 18:55 | Benedikt | File Added: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_bh.html | |
2014-08-19 18:55 | Benedikt | File Deleted: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_bh.html | |
2014-08-19 18:56 | Benedikt | File Added: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_bh.html | |
2014-08-19 18:57 | Benedikt | Note Added: 0004968 | |
2014-08-19 20:19 | BenBE | Note Added: 0004969 | |
2014-08-19 20:19 | BenBE | Note Edited: 0004969 | |
2014-08-19 20:20 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable 590771a3 |
2014-08-19 20:20 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable d86d9285 |
2014-08-19 20:50 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable 0b36841e |
2014-08-19 20:50 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver-stable 1e079aba |
2014-08-19 20:53 | Benedikt | Note Added: 0004971 | |
2014-08-19 20:53 | Benedikt | File Deleted: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_bh.html | |
2014-08-19 20:54 | Benedikt | File Added: CAcertCommunityAgreement_Draft_20140727_bh.html | |
2014-08-19 20:56 | INOPIAE | Note Added: 0004972 | |
2014-08-19 20:58 | BenBE | Reviewed by | Ted, BenBE => BenBE |
2014-08-24 20:32 | Ted | Note Added: 0004981 | |
2014-08-24 20:34 | Ted | Reviewed by | BenBE => Ted, BenBE |
2014-08-24 20:34 | Ted | Status | needs review => ready to deploy |
2014-08-29 07:00 | BenBE | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel release 7fa0fbd5 |
2014-08-29 14:41 | wytze | Note Added: 0004984 | |
2014-08-29 14:41 | wytze | Status | ready to deploy => solved? |
2014-08-29 14:41 | wytze | Fixed in Version | => 2014 Q3 |
2014-08-29 14:41 | wytze | Resolution | open => fixed |
2014-12-02 22:49 | INOPIAE | Status | solved? => closed |