Reporter | stargrave | Assigned To | | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | new | Resolution | open | |
Summary | 0001425: SHA384 hash specifying not working |
Description | I am trying to issue certificate to myself and set in Advanced options that SHA384 should be used. But issued certificate has SHA512 signature. SHA512 and SHA256 specifying works as expected. |
Steps To Reproduce | Create CSR. Login to CAcert.org. Click to new server certificate. Paste CSR in the form and select SHA384. Click submit, submit. Take issued certificate and see its signatureAlgorithm. |
Additional Information | POST data query shows that sha384 information is sent: description=&CSR=BASE64(CSR)&hash_alg=sha384&CCA=on&process=Submit&oldid=10 |
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