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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001545bugs.cacert.orgmiscpublic2023-02-08 22:35
Reporterbdmc Assigned Tobdmc  
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformDefaultOSanyOS Versionany
Summary0001545: Date Calculation issues throughout system
DescriptionDate calculations reported in Bug 1544 also occur in other places in the various CACert systems.

For instance, date-dependent e-mail messages are not being sent.

Locate and correct these date calculations similarly to what was done for 1544.
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related to 0001544 closedalkas Main CAcert Website Unable to delete users in support console due to date calculation 



2023-02-08 04:29

developer   ~0006159

Last edited: 2023-02-08 22:35

I have examined all ( most ) of the SQL-related date calculations in the system, and, aside from the ones covered in bug 1544, they are all using the MySQL function unix_timestamp, which returns an integer number of seconds, related to the UNIX epoch. All other parts of those calculations are also integers.

Because of that, I do not feel that any of those calculations can produce wrong results in themselves.

As always, I am open to guidance as to areas to investigate further.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-01-11 14:14 bdmc New Issue
2023-01-11 14:14 bdmc Assigned To => bdmc
2023-01-11 14:15 bdmc Relationship added related to 0001544
2023-02-08 04:29 bdmc Note Added: 0006159
2023-02-08 22:35 bdmc Note Edited: 0006159