View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000297Main CAcert Websitetranslationspublic2013-01-14 10:59
Reporterjens Assigned Toduane  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version2006 
Summary0000297: missing translations to german in menu on right side
    * Wiki Documentation <=> Wiki Dokumentation
    * Point System <=> Punkte System
    * Bug Database <=> Fehler-Datenbank

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has duplicate 0000295 closed english text in german page 



2006-08-14 22:28

manager   ~0000470

Please do not open a case for every missing or bad translation you find! If you want to help with translating the website get yourself an account on

A missing translation is only a bug, if the translingo files are current, fully translated, installed on the CAcert website. Currently this is not the case.

Duane, can you take care of that?


2006-08-15 00:52

developer   ~0000474

There has been site updates due to fixing bugs, this means the translations aren't in sync at this point in time.


2006-08-15 00:53

developer   ~0000475

Translations will be updated later this week, as per bluec's suggestion, this isn't really a bug, it's just due to updates.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-08-14 21:56 jens New Issue
2006-08-14 22:28 bluec Note Added: 0000470
2006-08-14 22:28 bluec Assigned To => duane
2006-08-14 22:28 bluec Status new => confirmed
2006-08-15 00:50 duane Relationship added has duplicate 0000295
2006-08-15 00:52 duane Note Added: 0000474
2006-08-15 00:53 duane Status confirmed => closed
2006-08-15 00:53 duane Note Added: 0000475
2006-08-15 00:53 duane Resolution open => fixed
2006-08-15 00:53 duane Fixed in Version => production
2013-01-14 10:59 Werner Dworak Fixed in Version => 2006