View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000859Main CAcert Websiteaccount administrationpublic2016-08-28 08:41
ReporterJSteijlen Assigned ToNEOatNHNG  
Status needs workResolutionopen 
Summary0000859: feature request: show activity on an account in the admin interface.
DescriptionSometimes it's hard to judge if an account is still in use.
quite often there are no recent assurance made/received.

showing the date of last activity (any kind, the kind itself is not interesting) can aid support in judging whether an account is still active, or languishing into bit-rot.
kinds of activity to update this feature could be assurances (of both variations) certificate creation, or even last login.

account creation date would also be nice.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
43_859_110826.php (18,680 bytes)
43-859-diff-20110826.diff (2,048 bytes)   
> <? //  Begin - Debug infos
>   // ---  bug-859 begin ---
>   // ---  display account creation information
>   $query = "select users.created as created, users.modified as lastact from `users` where `id`='".intval($row['id'])."' ";
>   $dres = mysql_query($query);
>   $drow = mysql_fetch_assoc($dres);
>   $ucreated  = $drow['created'];
>   $umodified = $drow['lastact'];
>   $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");  
>   $ucrtdisp = "";
>   $umoddisp = "";
>   if (substr($ucreated,0,7)==substr($now,0,7)) {
>      $ucrtdisp = _("this month");
>   } elseif (substr($ucreated,0,4)==substr($now,0,4)) {
>      $ucrtdisp = _("this year");  
>   } elseif (substr($ucreated,0,7)>"2009-06") {
>      $ucrtdisp = _("between June 2009 and this year");  
>   } elseif (substr($ucreated,0,7)>="2009-01") {
>      $ucrtdisp = _("between January and June 2009");
>   } else {  
>      $ucrtdisp = _("before January 2009");
>   }
>   if (substr($umodified,0,7)==substr($now,0,7)) {
>      $umoddisp = _("this month");
>   } elseif (substr($umodified,0,4)==substr($now,0,4)) {
>      $umoddisp = _("this year");  
>   } elseif (substr($umodified,0,7)< (intval(substr($now,0,4))-2)."-".substr($now,5,2) ) {
>      $umoddisp = _("before 2 years");  
>   } elseif (substr($umodified,0,7)< (intval(substr($now,0,4))-1)."-".substr($now,5,2)) {
>      $umoddisp = _("before 1 year");
>   } else {  
>      $umoddisp = _("within last 12 months");
>   }
> ?>
> <table align="center" valign="middle" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="wrapper">
>   <tr>
>     <td colspan="2" class="title"><?=_("Account State")?></td>
>   </tr>
>   <tr>
>     <td class="DataTD"><?=_("Account created")?>:</td>
>     <td class="DataTD"><?=$ucrtdisp?></td>
>   </tr>
>   <tr>
>     <td class="DataTD"><?=_("Last activity")?>:</td>
>     <td class="DataTD"><?=$umoddisp?></td>
>   </tr>
> <?
>   // ---  bug-859 end ---
> ?>
> </table>
> <br>
> <?    
>  //  End - Debug infos
> ?>
43-859-diff-20110826.diff (2,048 bytes)   
Reviewed byNEOatNHNG
Test Instructions


related to 0000882 closedUli60 display Assurance when field in list of assurances received, assurances given by a user in admin console interface 
related to 0000794 closedegal visibility over certificates for sysadm in account administration 
related to 0000975 closedUli60 report potential database inconsistency in SE console (debug infos) 
related to 0001138 closedNEOatNHNG Implement to log the SE activity 
related to 0001008 closedNEOatNHNG View for SE to see if user is Organisation Admin for which Organisation Accounts 
related to 0001135 closedegal Extend database table AdminLog et al 



2011-08-23 03:03

updater   ~0002327

effected date fields:
table users.created "2010-04-15 14:05:45"
table users.modified "2011-08-23 03:21:01" (last login)
table "04.08.2010" The Assurance Date the assurer added
table notary.when "2010-08-04 13:38:26" the date and time assurance was entered
                                        into the system
other tables like emailcerts displays the creation date and modification date/time
activity in such areas are also shown by table users.modified


2011-08-23 13:08

updater   ~0002329

Last edited: 2011-08-23 13:09

> account creation date would also be nice.
account created:
 "this month" | "this year" | "after Apr 2009" | "before Apr 2009"
is enough debug info to display in case of problems with user account.
 "this month" | "this year" gives info that the account was a newly created account
"after Nov 2007" | "before Nov 2007" gives enough info if CCA acceptance potentialy exist or not. Apr (or was it June 2009 ?!?) the accept CCA checkbox was set mandatory

so a one liner info below the user infos can be given w/o disclose too much PII infos, but there are helpful in support requests
see also bug 0000975


2011-08-26 10:23

updater   ~0002353

fix seperated in 43_859_110826.php
code based on cacert
commit ce4bfbaf0c2babb5bba2568d3b8712e1615aa651


2012-01-23 20:13

administrator   ~0002785

I have reviewed Uli's patch, modified it slightly and added it to the test server. Please review and test the changes.


2012-01-24 04:48

updater   ~0002789

Last edited: 2012-01-24 04:55

login with admin account, Sysadmin - find user

search user 1, account created and used today
Account Activity
Account created: this month => OK
Last activity: this month => OK

search user 2, (my own admin account), created by the time, testserver started
Account Activity
Account created: between June 2009 and this year => OK
Last activity: this month => OK

search user 3: one of the new created accounts for tests within this year
Account Activity
Account created: between June 2009 and this year => OK
Last activity: within last 12 months => OK

overall result => OK

One sidenote:
regarding "minimal" assurer errors regarding DoB, the absolute account creation date might be useful -> eg account created effective date 2012-01-24, effective DoB: 1970-01-20, DoB in online account: 1970-01-24
created account 2012-01-19, effective DoB 1970-01-13, DoB in online account 1970-01-19
This error can be seen as "using todays day number" while creating the account


2012-01-26 20:25

administrator   ~0002797

I have just implemented the changes discussed in the last meeting:
- The creation date is now shown exactly
- The section is now hidden by default. If you need to see it you have to click on the heading.

Please retest and review


2012-01-31 22:01

updater   ~0002816

I tested different accounts.
Each account viewed in SE console first shows only account activity as headline without data- => ok
Clicking onto the account shows the correct values. => ok


2012-01-31 22:06

updater   ~0002817

login with my admin account, Sysadmin - find user

Account created: 2010-08-24 22:06:06
Last activity: before 2 years

Account created: 2010-10-19 18:47:20
Last activity: this month

Account created: 2011-02-21 23:22:46
Last activity: within last 12 months


2012-02-01 01:49

administrator   ~0002819

There was a request to show whether the account was accessed within the last 30 days and not whether we are in the same month (which was what the supplied patch did). I have implemented that on the test system.

Please retest and review.

I also discovered that the last accessed date is actually only set when logging in via password, not if logging via client cert. Is this desirable?


2012-02-04 10:19

reporter   ~0002820

Sysadmin->Find user
Looked up a test account I haven't used in a while

Account activity shows as headline only => OK
Creation date is correct => OK
Last Activity is "within the last 6 months" => OK I guess (what granularity is the time supposed to have?)
Logged into the account, then rechecked => Last activity is now "within the last month" => OK


2012-02-07 22:08

updater   ~0002824

The last login with certifcate should also be processed.

The activity should show the last acitivity on the account either password login or cert login depending what was the latest.


2012-02-08 13:28

reporter   ~0002827

Currently none of my test accounts have valid certificates. If I log in to create one, that will reset the last activity to "within the last month", so I can't tell if a subsequent certificate login updates the last activity properly.


2012-03-13 21:55

administrator   ~0002875

Modified date is not suitable for account activity as it is not set on certificate login.


2016-08-28 08:41

updater   ~0005526

In what kind of situation would something like this be useful?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-09-04 06:57 JSteijlen New Issue
2011-08-23 03:03 Uli60 Note Added: 0002327
2011-08-23 12:10 Uli60 Relationship added related to 0000882
2011-08-23 12:58 Uli60 Relationship added related to 0000975
2011-08-23 13:00 Uli60 Relationship added related to 0000794
2011-08-23 13:08 Uli60 Note Added: 0002329
2011-08-23 13:09 Uli60 Note Edited: 0002329
2011-08-25 10:17 Uli60 Relationship replaced child of 0000975
2011-08-25 10:18 Uli60 Assigned To => Uli60
2011-08-25 10:18 Uli60 Status new => fix available
2011-08-26 10:22 Uli60 File Added: 43_859_110826.php
2011-08-26 10:23 Uli60 Note Added: 0002353
2011-08-26 10:24 Uli60 File Added: 43_882_110826.php
2011-08-26 10:24 Uli60 File Deleted: 43_882_110826.php
2011-08-26 10:54 Uli60 File Added: 43-859-diff-20110826.diff
2011-12-13 23:35 NEOatNHNG Priority normal => high
2012-01-23 19:15 NEOatNHNG Assigned To Uli60 => NEOatNHNG
2012-01-23 20:10 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver 40ba78bc
2012-01-23 20:10 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver 8a910903
2012-01-23 20:13 NEOatNHNG Note Added: 0002785
2012-01-23 20:13 NEOatNHNG Status fix available => needs review & testing
2012-01-23 20:15 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver 5554e14c
2012-01-23 20:15 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver 6ee7528b
2012-01-24 00:12 NEOatNHNG Reviewed by => NEOatNHNG
2012-01-24 04:48 Uli60 Note Added: 0002789
2012-01-24 04:55 Uli60 Note Edited: 0002789
2012-01-25 22:33 INOPIAE Relationship added related to 0001008
2012-01-26 20:25 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver 9186365f
2012-01-26 20:25 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver c7f9af5f
2012-01-26 20:25 NEOatNHNG Note Added: 0002797
2012-01-31 22:01 INOPIAE Note Added: 0002816
2012-01-31 22:06 MartinGummi Note Added: 0002817
2012-02-01 00:50 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver 8e58c2fc
2012-02-01 00:50 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver ad894c47
2012-02-01 01:40 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver 6e600b1e
2012-02-01 01:40 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver d0e45860
2012-02-01 01:40 NEOatNHNG Source_changeset_attached => cacert-devel testserver 7dcfa351
2012-02-01 01:49 NEOatNHNG Note Added: 0002819
2012-02-04 10:19 JensK Note Added: 0002820
2012-02-07 22:08 INOPIAE Note Added: 0002824
2012-02-08 13:28 JensK Note Added: 0002827
2012-03-13 21:55 NEOatNHNG Note Added: 0002875
2012-03-13 21:55 NEOatNHNG Status needs review & testing => needs work
2012-12-22 07:51 Werner Dworak Relationship deleted child of 0000975
2012-12-22 07:51 Werner Dworak Relationship added related to 0000975
2013-01-09 10:43 Werner Dworak Relationship added related to 0001135
2014-04-29 20:56 INOPIAE Relationship added related to 0001138
2016-08-28 08:41 Eva Note Added: 0005526