View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000859 | Main CAcert Website | account administration | public | 2010-09-04 06:57 | 2016-08-28 08:41 |
Reporter | JSteijlen | Assigned To | NEOatNHNG | ||
Priority | high | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | N/A |
Status | needs work | Resolution | open | ||
Summary | 0000859: feature request: show activity on an account in the admin interface. | ||||
Description | Sometimes it's hard to judge if an account is still in use. quite often there are no recent assurance made/received. showing the date of last activity (any kind, the kind itself is not interesting) can aid support in judging whether an account is still active, or languishing into bit-rot. kinds of activity to update this feature could be assurances (of both variations) certificate creation, or even last login. account creation date would also be nice. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Attached Files | 43-859-diff-20110826.diff (2,048 bytes)
320a321,382 > <? // Begin - Debug infos > > // --- bug-859 begin --- > // --- display account creation information > > $query = "select users.created as created, users.modified as lastact from `users` where `id`='".intval($row['id'])."' "; > $dres = mysql_query($query); > $drow = mysql_fetch_assoc($dres); > $ucreated = $drow['created']; > $umodified = $drow['lastact']; > $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); > $ucrtdisp = ""; > $umoddisp = ""; > if (substr($ucreated,0,7)==substr($now,0,7)) { > $ucrtdisp = _("this month"); > } elseif (substr($ucreated,0,4)==substr($now,0,4)) { > $ucrtdisp = _("this year"); > } elseif (substr($ucreated,0,7)>"2009-06") { > $ucrtdisp = _("between June 2009 and this year"); > } elseif (substr($ucreated,0,7)>="2009-01") { > $ucrtdisp = _("between January and June 2009"); > } else { > $ucrtdisp = _("before January 2009"); > } > > if (substr($umodified,0,7)==substr($now,0,7)) { > $umoddisp = _("this month"); > } elseif (substr($umodified,0,4)==substr($now,0,4)) { > $umoddisp = _("this year"); > } elseif (substr($umodified,0,7)< (intval(substr($now,0,4))-2)."-".substr($now,5,2) ) { > $umoddisp = _("before 2 years"); > } elseif (substr($umodified,0,7)< (intval(substr($now,0,4))-1)."-".substr($now,5,2)) { > $umoddisp = _("before 1 year"); > } else { > $umoddisp = _("within last 12 months"); > } > > > ?> > <table align="center" valign="middle" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="wrapper"> > <tr> > <td colspan="2" class="title"><?=_("Account State")?></td> > </tr> > > <tr> > <td class="DataTD"><?=_("Account created")?>:</td> > <td class="DataTD"><?=$ucrtdisp?></td> > </tr> > > <tr> > <td class="DataTD"><?=_("Last activity")?>:</td> > <td class="DataTD"><?=$umoddisp?></td> > </tr> > <? > // --- bug-859 end --- > ?> > </table> > <br> > <? > // End - Debug infos > ?> > | ||||
Reviewed by | NEOatNHNG | ||||
Test Instructions | |||||
related to | 0000882 | closed | Uli60 | display Assurance when field in list of assurances received, assurances given by a user in admin console interface |
related to | 0000794 | closed | egal | visibility over certificates for sysadm in account administration |
related to | 0000975 | closed | Uli60 | report potential database inconsistency in SE console (debug infos) |
related to | 0001138 | closed | NEOatNHNG | Implement to log the SE activity |
related to | 0001008 | closed | NEOatNHNG | View for SE to see if user is Organisation Admin for which Organisation Accounts |
related to | 0001135 | closed | egal | Extend database table AdminLog et al |
effected date fields: table users.created "2010-04-15 14:05:45" table users.modified "2011-08-23 03:21:01" (last login) table "04.08.2010" The Assurance Date the assurer added table notary.when "2010-08-04 13:38:26" the date and time assurance was entered into the system other tables like emailcerts displays the creation date and modification date/time activity in such areas are also shown by table users.modified |
> account creation date would also be nice. account created: "this month" | "this year" | "after Apr 2009" | "before Apr 2009" is enough debug info to display in case of problems with user account. "this month" | "this year" gives info that the account was a newly created account "after Nov 2007" | "before Nov 2007" gives enough info if CCA acceptance potentialy exist or not. Apr (or was it June 2009 ?!?) the accept CCA checkbox was set mandatory so a one liner info below the user infos can be given w/o disclose too much PII infos, but there are helpful in support requests see also bug 0000975 |
fix seperated in 43_859_110826.php code based on cacert commit ce4bfbaf0c2babb5bba2568d3b8712e1615aa651 |
I have reviewed Uli's patch, modified it slightly and added it to the test server. Please review and test the changes. |
login with admin account, Sysadmin - find user search user 1, account created and used today test.dedispute@o... Account Activity Account created: this month => OK Last activity: this month => OK search user 2, (my own admin account), created by the time, testserver started ulrich@c.o Account Activity Account created: between June 2009 and this year => OK Last activity: this month => OK search user 3: one of the new created accounts for tests within this year bug975.user1@w... Account Activity Account created: between June 2009 and this year => OK Last activity: within last 12 months => OK overall result => OK One sidenote: regarding "minimal" assurer errors regarding DoB, the absolute account creation date might be useful -> eg account created effective date 2012-01-24, effective DoB: 1970-01-20, DoB in online account: 1970-01-24 -or- created account 2012-01-19, effective DoB 1970-01-13, DoB in online account 1970-01-19 This error can be seen as "using todays day number" while creating the account |
I have just implemented the changes discussed in the last meeting: - The creation date is now shown exactly - The section is now hidden by default. If you need to see it you have to click on the heading. Please retest and review |
I tested different accounts. Each account viewed in SE console first shows only account activity as headline without data- => ok Clicking onto the account shows the correct values. => ok =>ok |
login with my admin account, Sysadmin - find user test@sh23.tld Account created: 2010-08-24 22:06:06 Last activity: before 2 years lll@sh23.tld Account created: 2010-10-19 18:47:20 Last activity: this month admin-bug827@sh23.tld Account created: 2011-02-21 23:22:46 Last activity: within last 12 months |
There was a request to show whether the account was accessed within the last 30 days and not whether we are in the same month (which was what the supplied patch did). I have implemented that on the test system. Please retest and review. I also discovered that the last accessed date is actually only set when logging in via password, not if logging via client cert. Is this desirable? |
Sysadmin->Find user Looked up a test account I haven't used in a while Account activity shows as headline only => OK Creation date is correct => OK Last Activity is "within the last 6 months" => OK I guess (what granularity is the time supposed to have?) Logged into the account, then rechecked => Last activity is now "within the last month" => OK |
The last login with certifcate should also be processed. The activity should show the last acitivity on the account either password login or cert login depending what was the latest. |
Currently none of my test accounts have valid certificates. If I log in to create one, that will reset the last activity to "within the last month", so I can't tell if a subsequent certificate login updates the last activity properly. |
Modified date is not suitable for account activity as it is not set on certificate login. |
In what kind of situation would something like this be useful? |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-09-04 06:57 | JSteijlen | New Issue | |
2011-08-23 03:03 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002327 | |
2011-08-23 12:10 | Uli60 | Relationship added | related to 0000882 |
2011-08-23 12:58 | Uli60 | Relationship added | related to 0000975 |
2011-08-23 13:00 | Uli60 | Relationship added | related to 0000794 |
2011-08-23 13:08 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002329 | |
2011-08-23 13:09 | Uli60 | Note Edited: 0002329 | |
2011-08-25 10:17 | Uli60 | Relationship replaced | child of 0000975 |
2011-08-25 10:18 | Uli60 | Assigned To | => Uli60 |
2011-08-25 10:18 | Uli60 | Status | new => fix available |
2011-08-26 10:22 | Uli60 | File Added: 43_859_110826.php | |
2011-08-26 10:23 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002353 | |
2011-08-26 10:24 | Uli60 | File Added: 43_882_110826.php | |
2011-08-26 10:24 | Uli60 | File Deleted: 43_882_110826.php | |
2011-08-26 10:54 | Uli60 | File Added: 43-859-diff-20110826.diff | |
2011-12-13 23:35 | NEOatNHNG | Priority | normal => high |
2012-01-23 19:15 | NEOatNHNG | Assigned To | Uli60 => NEOatNHNG |
2012-01-23 20:10 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver 40ba78bc |
2012-01-23 20:10 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver 8a910903 |
2012-01-23 20:13 | NEOatNHNG | Note Added: 0002785 | |
2012-01-23 20:13 | NEOatNHNG | Status | fix available => needs review & testing |
2012-01-23 20:15 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver 5554e14c |
2012-01-23 20:15 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver 6ee7528b |
2012-01-24 00:12 | NEOatNHNG | Reviewed by | => NEOatNHNG |
2012-01-24 04:48 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002789 | |
2012-01-24 04:55 | Uli60 | Note Edited: 0002789 | |
2012-01-25 22:33 | INOPIAE | Relationship added | related to 0001008 |
2012-01-26 20:25 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver 9186365f |
2012-01-26 20:25 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver c7f9af5f |
2012-01-26 20:25 | NEOatNHNG | Note Added: 0002797 | |
2012-01-31 22:01 | INOPIAE | Note Added: 0002816 | |
2012-01-31 22:06 | MartinGummi | Note Added: 0002817 | |
2012-02-01 00:50 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver 8e58c2fc |
2012-02-01 00:50 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver ad894c47 |
2012-02-01 01:40 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver 6e600b1e |
2012-02-01 01:40 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver d0e45860 |
2012-02-01 01:40 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel testserver 7dcfa351 |
2012-02-01 01:49 | NEOatNHNG | Note Added: 0002819 | |
2012-02-04 10:19 | JensK | Note Added: 0002820 | |
2012-02-07 22:08 | INOPIAE | Note Added: 0002824 | |
2012-02-08 13:28 | JensK | Note Added: 0002827 | |
2012-03-13 21:55 | NEOatNHNG | Note Added: 0002875 | |
2012-03-13 21:55 | NEOatNHNG | Status | needs review & testing => needs work |
2012-12-22 07:51 | Werner Dworak | Relationship deleted | child of 0000975 |
2012-12-22 07:51 | Werner Dworak | Relationship added | related to 0000975 |
2013-01-09 10:43 | Werner Dworak | Relationship added | related to 0001135 |
2014-04-29 20:56 | INOPIAE | Relationship added | related to 0001138 |
2016-08-28 08:41 | Eva | Note Added: 0005526 |