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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000879Main CAcert Websitewebsite contentpublic2013-05-01 10:14
ReporterUli60 Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000879: CAcert must update the web page on disputes, and include an explanation how to file a dispute (a20091206.1)

R filed a dispute through Paypal, which is the normal approach in case seller (here CAcert) is not providing the agreed service after a payment made through Paypal. However, this was not a generic buyer/seller issue, but a case where both buyer (R) and seller (C) are member of CAcert, and have a dispute regarding a CAcert service. As a result the CCA applies, and this dispute should be handled through CAcert arbitration. R claimed in his defense that he did not know how to file a dispute. The suggested link on the web site ( is not a generic dispute filing page, but only addresses the dispute of an email address or a domain name, and both are not relevant in this particular case. Therefore I rule:

   1. R should have used the CAcert arbitration system to resolve his issue. However, since he was very cooperative once informed, he will not be fined on this.
   2. CAcert must update the web page on disputes, and include an explanation how to file a dispute

probably needs to be updated ....

eg. modify text under
or redirect to a wiki page

Probably explanation about disputes in general, link to CCA, link to wiki with further info, and maybe still include email dispute and domain dispute as special dispute cases
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Test Instructions


related to 0001104 confirmedINOPIAE Report Abuse not operative 
related to 0001117 new Outsource Disputes Text /disputes.php?id=0 to wiki 



2012-01-05 17:11

administrator   ~0002763

Last edited: 2012-01-05 17:12

The current implementation of the menu items below "Disputed/Abuses" is at least doubtful, see for example (the part on the account problem).

  • The mailtext sent is not clear enough, to me it sounded like the mail sent when a new email address is added

  • The initiator of the "dispute" is not notified when the respondend acts

  • The form where the respondent can enter his action does not warn explicitly that the respondent is releasing something (he might even delete his account!) if he accepts the dispute

  • The "Report as Abuse" radio button seems to have no function on the testserver

  • There's no way for support to find out what happened if something went wrong, an Arbitrator is needed to make ad-hoc SQL queries


2012-02-22 03:40

updater   ~0002863

current menu section:

+ Disputes/Abuses
    * More Information
    * Email Dispute
    * Domain Dispute

+ Disputes/Abuses
    * Help on Disputes
    * Email Dispute
    * Domain Dispute
is more appropiate ?

where "Help on Disputes" explains the next two menu choices and also the 3rd variant, to write an email to support@c.o in case its not an email or domain dispute says nothing how to handle "other" disputes.

CCA 2.3.3 defines -> 2.3 Obligations
You are obliged
   3. to submit all your disputes to Arbitration (DRP => COD7).

but says not how to submit a dispute

later on -> 3.2 Arbitration as Forum of Dispute Resolution

You agree, with CAcert and all of the Community, that all disputes arising out of or in connection to our use of CAcert services shall be referred to and finally resolved by Arbitration under the rules within the Dispute Resolution Policy of CAcert (DRP => COD7).

doesn't say it either

under -> 3.5 Communication

Notifications to CAcert are to be sent by email to the address support at

there is a definition "notifications to sent to given address", but disputes are not named here.

a) either CCA needs to be updated by writing ... filing dispute by sending email to support@c.o -or-
b) explain it in detail under

  filing disputes:
  write an email to support@c.o
  with subject: Dispute filing - short subject
  text: explain your dispute

  email disputes:
   what does email disputes mean?
  domain disputes:
   what does domain disputes mean?

remove email disputes and domain disputes link and integrate them in the "Help on Disputes" page ?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-10-10 22:37 Uli60 New Issue
2010-10-10 22:40 Uli60 Description Updated
2012-01-05 17:11 Ted Note Added: 0002763
2012-01-05 17:12 Ted Note Edited: 0002763
2012-02-22 03:40 Uli60 Note Added: 0002863
2012-11-29 20:40 Uli60 Relationship added related to 0001117
2013-05-01 10:14 INOPIAE Relationship added related to 0001104