View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0000942 | Main CAcert Website | misc | public | 2011-05-09 21:23 | 2013-01-15 17:20 |
Reporter | Ted | Assigned To | NEOatNHNG | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Fixed in Version | 2011 Q3 | ||||
Summary | 0000942: CATS import interface is not fit to handle non-Assurer Challenge tests | ||||
Description | File www/cats/cats_import.php does not discriminate which type of test has been passed for setting the Assurer flag. Similar problem in scripts/assurer.php | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Reviewed by | Ted, NEOatNHNG | ||||
Test Instructions | |||||
Proposed bugfix is pushed to GIT repository (at least I hope so) as branch bug-942 |
Reviewed. I would like it better if the fix_assurer_flag() from the general.php was used in both places. But as the general.php is not easily includible in scripts that will do it for now. Testing not possible as there is no CATS on the test server. |
Moved fix_assurer_flag() into a separate library file and called it from the script. Please review and test the changes |
Test new user 70 pts CATS flag set => no assure someone Add assurance with 35 pts to new user => assurer someone available works as designed |
1. created new user user942 2. added 2 assurances 35 pts each 3. login user942 show points 70 pts -> ok 15.php 70 pts -> ok You have to pass the CAcert Assurer Challenge (CATS-Test) to be an Assurer -> ok 4. pass assurer challenge (thru TMS) 5. login as SE, show System Admin - find user user942 Assurance Points: 70 -> ok Trainings: show 2011-07-05 01:36:44 Assurer Challenge CATS V0.1 Is Assurer: 0 -> ok 6. login user942 show details 10.php 70 pts -> ok menu CAcert WoT Ein Assurer werden -> ok (and not assure someone) new calculation 15.php Summary of your Points Description Punkte Countable Points Remark Assurance Points you received 70 70 Total Experience Points by Assurance 0 0 Total Experience Points (other ways) 0 0 Punkte insgesamt 70 mhh ... text "You have to pass the CAcert Assurer Challenge (CATS-Test) to be an Assurer" is not displayed, thats ok maybe I'm expecting something like "you have to reach 100 assurance points to be an Assurer" but this is more a feature then a bug given + received assurances list -> ok 7. add 35 assurance pts, rounded down to 30 8. login as SE, show System Admin - find user user942 Assurance Points: 100 -> ok Trainings: show 2011-07-05 01:36:44 Assurer Challenge CATS V0.1 Is Assurer: 1 -> ok show assurances rcvd / given -> both ok 9. login user942 menu CAcert WoT Assure someone -> ok (IsAssurer) show details 10.php 100 pts -> ok 15.php Summary of your Points Description Punkte Countable Points Remark Assurance Points you received 105 100 Limit reached Total Experience Points by Assurance 0 0 Total Experience Points (other ways) 0 0 Punkte insgesamt 100 You may issue up to 10 points -> ok |
Created a new user with 70 Points and he can't assure at this level. That's right and works correct. The new user gets from another User 30 Points and now he has 100 Points. The new user get CATS enabled now he can assure 10 Points. Also right condition. Works as designed! ;-) |
3 independent tests revealed no problems. reviewed by 1 SA |
Reviewed the code once again and noticed that temporary Assurance Points are not handled correctly. Checked in proposed changes to GIT bug-942 |
The check on IS NULL is not really necessary because the column "expire" may not be NULL (see but it also can't do any harm. Otherwise the change does make sense -> approved and applied on the test server. Dear Testers, can you please check for the correct handling of temporary Assurance Points in combination with assurer status? Thanks |
Test szenario for complete re-testing: needs further testing: a) assuree has 99 pts, assurer challenge passed add 1 assurance, -> result has to be 100 pts and is assurer b) assuree has 99 pts, assurer challenge not passed add 1 assurance -> result has to be 100 pts and NO assurer c) add one more 1 pts -> 100 pts, NO assurer d) pass assurer challenge -> 100 pts, and IS assurer e) assuree with 80 pts, challange passed add: temporary points increase you need your admin account with boardmember flag add temporary increase 20 pts => result? 100 pts? is assurer? |
1. a. joined test.bug942b, confirmed b. ca-mgr1, add 80 assurance points c. login test.bug942b, view points 80 pts, 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer d. logout, login other test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942b -> 19 pts e. logout, login test.bug942b , view points 99 pts, 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer f. logout, login 2nd test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942b -> 1 pts g. logout, login test.bug942b , view points 100 pts, 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer f. logout, login 3rd test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942b -> 1 pts g. logout, login test.bug942b , view points 101 pts (!!!!!!!!!!!) => (thats 10.php ???????????????) 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge, 101 pts, 100 pts counted ok. gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer => step g. 10.php total 101 pts seems to be a problem has 10.php changed ?!?!? or does this relates to the bug 959 fixes (?!?) Summary: bug 942 assurer flag topic is ok problem with 10.php ?!? or problem with add pts routine ?!? that don't take care about the 100 pts limit ?!? email assurer: You issued 1 points and they now have 101 points in total. email assuree: You were issued 1 points and you now have 101 points in total. You have at least 100 Assurance Points, if you want to become an assurer try the Assurer Challenge ( ) h. logout, login test.bug942b , view points 101 pts (???) => (thats 10.php ???????????????) 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge, 101 pts, 100 pts counted ok. gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer i. ca-mgr1, add Assurer Challenge j. (no logout!) test.bug942b, view points 10.php lists 101 pts (???) 15.php You may issue up to 10 points => ok CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer => not yet noticed k. logout, login test.bug942b, view points 10.php + 15.php same as step j. CAcert WoT - Assure someone => ok I have some ideas where this 101 thing comes from. Using an account that has the ability to assure users in Super-Assurance mode (150 pts assurer), there may be some code left, that doesn't take care on the 100 pts assurance level to verify in a seperated test round see complete analyze and reproduced test under |
Test new user1 90 pts CATS flag set => no assure someone Add assurance with 10 pts to new user1 => assure someone available Assure a person - 102 Points revoke 10 point assurance -92 point => no assure someone works as designed Test new user 90 pts CATS flag set => no assure someone Add tempory increase 1 day 10 pts to new user => assure someone available but not possible 10.php shows 200pt 15.php shows 90 pts in table Summary of your Points and the tempory increace revoked in the table Your Assurance Points What goes wrong here? NB The tempory increase allways give 200 pts in total does not matter if I add 10 points or 20 points. Is this ment to be like that? |
2. a. joined test.bug942c, confirmed b. login 5 different assurers, added 99 pts in total (35,10,10,35,9) c. login test.bug942c, view points 10.php 99 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer d. logout, login other test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942c -> 1 pts e. logout, login test.bug942c , view points 10.php 100 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer f. logout, login 2nd test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942c -> 1 pts g. logout, login test.bug942c , view points 10.php 100 pts (ok !!!) (sum pts rcvd 101), displays as 100 + 0 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer h. ca-mgr1, add assurer challenge i. logout, login test.bug942c, view points 10.php 100 pts 15.php You may issue up to 10 points gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Assure Someone 101 pts that lists under test.bug942b account probably relates to ca-mgr1 assure me function that circumvents the regular assurance points + experience points procedure Summary: bug 942 assurer flag topic is ok email assurer: You issued 1 points however the system has rounded this down to 0 and they now have 100 points in total. email assuree: You were issued 1 points however the system has rounded this down to 0 and you now have 100 points in total. email text has _not_ shown (!) as in test 1 You have at least 100 Assurance Points, if you want to become an assurer try the Assurer Challenge ( [^] ) |
1. Creating new account Add 150 points with administrative increase Login with admin account and set assurer flag to 1 in new account Login in new account Assure some one visible but as soon as selected -> you need to pass CATS =>ok Pass CATS mit TMS Assure some one visible and works normal => ok 2. Create new account Add 98 pts with automated assurance Login become Assurer logout Add 2 points with normal account mail to assuree "You were issued 2 points and you now have 100 points in total. You have at least 100 Assurance Points, if you want to become an assurer try the Assurer Challenge ( )" No CATS Login into new account 10.php 100 pts 15.php 100pts need CATS Become Asssurer Add CATS with TMS Relogin 10.php 100 pts 15.php 100pts You may issue up to 10 points Asssure someone Logout Add 1 point with other account Relogin 10.php 100 pts 15.php 101 pts Total 100 pts You may issue up to 10 points Asssure someone 3. Create new account Add 99 pts with automated assurance Login become Assurer logout Add 1 points with normal account mail to assuree "You were issued 1 points and you now have 100 points in total. You have at least 100 Assurance Points, if you want to become an assurer try the Assurer Challenge ( )" No CATS Login into new account 10.php 100 pts 15.php 100pts need CATS Become Asssurer Add CATS with TMS Relogin 10.php 100 pts 15.php 100pts You may issue up to 10 points Asssure someone Logout Add 1 point with other account Relogin 10.php 100 pts 15.php 101 pts Total 100 pts You may issue up to 10 points Asssure someone |
3. a. joined test.bug942d, confirmed b. adding 90 pts thru ca-mgr1 (35,35,20) c. login test.bug942d, view points 10.php 90 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer d. logout, login other test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942d -> 9 pts e. logout, login test.bug942d , view points 10.php 99 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer f. logout, login other test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942d -> 1 pts g. logout, login test.bug942d , view points 10.php 100 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer h. logout, login 3rd test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942d -> 1 pts i. logout, login test.bug942d , view points 10.php 100 pts (ok !!!) (sum pts rcvd 101), displays as 100 + 0 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer j. ca-mgr1, test.bug942d, add Assurer Challenge k. logout, login test.bug942d , view points 10.php 100 pts 15.php You may issue up to 10 points gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Assure Someone Summary: bug 942 assurer flag topic is ok problem under test 1 cannot be reproduced with this test |
4. a. joined test.bug942e, confirmed b. adding 80 pts thru ca-mgr1 (35,35,10) c. login test.bug942e, view points 10.php 80 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer d. logout, login other test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942e -> 19 pts e. logout, login test.bug942e , view points 10.php 99 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer f. logout, login other test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942e -> 1 pts view points 256517 23.07.2011 test bug942e 1 virt test F2F g. logout, login test.bug942e , view points 10.php 100 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer h. logout, login 3rd test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942e "This person already has 100 assurance points. Any points you give this person may be rounded down, or they may not even get any points. If you have less then 150 points you will still receive 2 points for assuring them." adding -> 1 pts view points 256519 23.07.2011 test bug942e 0 virt test F2F i. logout, login test.bug942e , view points 10.php 100 pts (ok !!!) (sum pts rcvd 101), displays as 100 + 0 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer j. ca-mgr1, test.bug942e, add Assurer Challenge k. logout, login test.bug942e , view points 10.php 100 pts 15.php You may issue up to 10 points gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Assure Someone Summary: bug 942 assurer flag topic is ok problem under test 1 cannot be reproduced with this test |
5. a. joined test.bug942f, confirmed b. adding 80 pts thru ca-mgr1 (35,35,10) c. login test.bug942f, view points 10.php 80 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer d. logout, login other test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942f -> 19 pts e. logout, login test.bug942f , view points 10.php 99 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer f. ca-mgr1, test.bug942f, add Assurer Challenge g. logout, login test.bug942f , view points 10.php 99 pts 15.php no remark gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer h. logout, login other test Account w/ Assurer status assure test.bug942f -> 1 pts i. logout, login test.bug942f , view points 10.php 100 pts 15.php You may issue up to 10 points gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Assure Someone Summary: bug 942 assurer flag topic is ok |
6. a. joined test.bug942g, confirmed b. adding 90 pts thru ca-mgr1 (35,35,20) c. login test.bug942g, view points 10.php 90 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer d. logout, login other test Account w/ Assurer status ("regular" account) assure test.bug942g -> 9 pts e. logout, login test.bug942g , view points 10.php 99 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer f. logout, login other test Account w/ Assurer status ("regular" account) "This person already has 99 assurance points ..." assure test.bug942g -> 1 pts g. logout, login test.bug942g , view points 10.php 100 pts 15.php you have to pass Assurer Challenge gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer until here all is as expected h. logout, login 3rd test Account w/ SUPER-Assurer status (!!!) valid to issue 150 pts view points 10.php total points -> 200 15.php Summary of your Points Description Points Countable Points Remark Assurance Points you received 150 100 Limit reached Total Experience Points by Assurance 2 2 Total Experience Points (other ways) 0 0 Total Points 102 You may issue up to 10 points Total Points Issued: 35 Total Assurance Points: 100 assure someone -> test.bug942g "This person already has 100 assurance points. Any points you give this person may be rounded down, or they may not even get any points. If you have less then 150 points you will still receive 2 points for assuring them." assurance -> selection box -> F2F x I certify ... Location test ... Date 23.07.2011 temp incr. 0 Sponsoring Member default selection (not switched) x I believe .. x I have read ... Policy Points (max 150) -> 2 pts click I confirm ... View points (10.php) 256531 23.07.2011 test bug942g 2 virt test loc F2F (should be rounded down to 0 !) 15.php 256531 23.07.2011 test bug942g 2 virt test loc F2F email assurer received "You issued 2 points and they now have 102 points in total." i. logout, login test.bug942g , view points 10.php 102 pts (not ok!!!) sum pts rcvd 102, displays as 35+35+20+9+1 + 2 15.php Points 102 => ok, countable points 100 => ok you have to pass Assurer Challenge => ok gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer => ok (CATS test not yet passed) email received by 2 pts assurance: ----------------------------------------------- You were issued 2 points and you now have 102 points in total. You have at least 100 Assurance Points, if you want to become an assurer try the Assurer Challenge ( ) To make it easier for others in your area to find you, it's helpful to list yourself as an assurer (this is voluntary), as well as a physical location where you live or work the most. You can flag your account to be listed, and add a comment to the display by going to: You can list your location by going to: ----------------------------------------------- j. ca-mgr1, test.bug942g, add Assurer Challenge k. no logout (!), test.bug942g , view points 10.php 102 pts (see i.) 15.php You may issue up to 10 points => ok (calculated on the fly) gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Becoming an Assurer => ok (not yet re-calculated, re-login first) l. logout, login test.bug942g , view points 10.php 102 pts (see i.) 15.php You may issue up to 10 points => ok (calculated on the fly) gpg menu available CAcert WoT - Assure Someone => ok (re-calculated at login) Summary: bug 942 assurer flag topic is ok problem under test 1 reproduced relates to Super-Assurer Assurance (account needs 200 pts, this has been reset back in 2009 no more accounts with more than 150 pts, see arbitration a20091118.5 ruling Dec 11th, 2009 Assertion: "(R) did round down everyone's points to a maximum of 150 in line with board motions m20090912.1 and m20090914.2. This influenced the TTP program indirectly, but it was not a code change." that is no longer available under production. So therefor this doesn't needs to take care about recomendation to Software-Assessment: if you find code blocks regarding Super-Assurers, to remove this code blocks, as AP prevents issuing more then 50 Assurance points |
fully re-tested |
Mail sent to critical admins |
Patch applied to production system on August 3, 2011. See also: |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2011-05-09 21:23 | Ted | New Issue | |
2011-05-09 21:23 | Ted | Status | new => needs work |
2011-05-09 21:23 | Ted | Assigned To | => Ted |
2011-05-09 21:49 | Ted | Note Added: 0001954 | |
2011-05-24 14:19 | NEOatNHNG | Note Added: 0001996 | |
2011-06-14 22:03 | NEOatNHNG | Assigned To | Ted => NEOatNHNG |
2011-06-28 23:15 | NEOatNHNG | Note Added: 0002067 | |
2011-06-28 23:15 | NEOatNHNG | Description Updated | |
2011-06-28 23:16 | NEOatNHNG | Status | needs work => needs review & testing |
2011-06-28 23:33 | INOPIAE | Note Added: 0002068 | |
2011-06-29 00:07 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel master 091d7a33 |
2011-06-29 00:07 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel master ffbe879d |
2011-06-29 00:07 | Ted | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel master 70333fec |
2011-07-02 01:28 | NEOatNHNG | Reviewed by | => NEOatNHNG |
2011-07-02 01:28 | NEOatNHNG | Description Updated | |
2011-07-04 23:57 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002079 | |
2011-07-12 17:07 | FabianKnopf | Note Added: 0002111 | |
2011-07-12 22:16 | Ted | Assigned To | NEOatNHNG => Ted |
2011-07-12 22:16 | Ted | Status | needs review & testing => needs work |
2011-07-12 22:16 | Ted | Status | needs work => needs review & testing |
2011-07-13 01:26 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002124 | |
2011-07-13 01:26 | Uli60 | Status | needs review & testing => ready to deploy |
2011-07-14 21:18 | Ted | Note Added: 0002138 | |
2011-07-14 21:18 | Ted | Status | ready to deploy => needs review |
2011-07-16 13:40 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel master 91c69cf3 |
2011-07-16 13:59 | NEOatNHNG | Note Added: 0002144 | |
2011-07-16 13:59 | NEOatNHNG | Status | needs review => needs testing |
2011-07-16 13:59 | NEOatNHNG | Reviewed by | NEOatNHNG => Ted, NEOatNHNG |
2011-07-19 23:40 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002164 | |
2011-07-23 08:29 | Uli60 | Note Edited: 0002164 | |
2011-07-23 08:56 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002182 | |
2011-07-23 09:04 | Uli60 | Note Edited: 0002182 | |
2011-07-23 09:06 | INOPIAE | Note Added: 0002183 | |
2011-07-23 09:40 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002185 | |
2011-07-23 10:05 | INOPIAE | Note Edited: 0002183 | |
2011-07-23 11:07 | INOPIAE | Note Added: 0002187 | |
2011-07-23 17:24 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002188 | |
2011-07-23 17:25 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002189 | |
2011-07-23 17:25 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002190 | |
2011-07-23 17:30 | Uli60 | Note Edited: 0002185 | |
2011-07-23 17:31 | Uli60 | Note Edited: 0002185 | |
2011-07-23 17:39 | Uli60 | Note Edited: 0002182 | |
2011-07-23 21:54 | Uli60 | Note Edited: 0002182 | |
2011-07-23 22:38 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002191 | |
2011-07-23 22:42 | Uli60 | Note Edited: 0002182 | |
2011-08-01 13:04 | Uli60 | Note Added: 0002232 | |
2011-08-01 13:04 | Uli60 | Assigned To | Ted => NEOatNHNG |
2011-08-01 13:04 | Uli60 | Status | needs testing => ready to deploy |
2011-08-02 22:54 | NEOatNHNG | Note Added: 0002268 | |
2011-08-03 10:17 | wytze | Note Added: 0002277 | |
2011-08-03 10:17 | wytze | Status | ready to deploy => solved? |
2011-08-03 10:17 | wytze | Resolution | open => fixed |
2011-08-03 10:43 | Uli60 | Relationship added | related to 0000827 |
2011-08-07 21:45 | Ted | Status | solved? => closed |
2011-11-20 01:05 | NEOatNHNG | Source_changeset_attached | => cacert-devel release b681e568 |
2012-12-27 17:14 | Werner Dworak | Relationship added | related to 0001107 |
2013-01-15 17:20 | Werner Dworak | Fixed in Version | => 2011 Q3 |