View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000980test.cacert.orgmgr.test.cacert.orgpublic2011-09-17 12:14
ReporterUli60 Assigned ToNEOatNHNG  
Status needs workResolutionopen 
Summary0000980: Add to ca-mgr1 routine for Edit Notary table XYZ entry
DescriptionTo reproduce special account settings derived from reports from users on production system, assurances settings (notary table) needs to be modified individual:
eg: before around 2006 column awarded didn't exist, so each entered assurance was only recorded to the points table:
eg assurance from / to / awarded=0 / points=35 / method=F2F
   assurance from / to / awarded=0 / points=0 / method=F2F
The last setting can be entered while giving 0 pts in an assurance, but the record before cannot be added without access to the root console and adding an sql injection

TTP Assurances cannot be entered as of bug#855 (not for test szenarios)
Method "Unknown" cannot be set to an assurance, despite the fact many? a couple of records exist in the production environment

Software-Assessment project team received a detailed report of pts settings from a critical admin, but testers cannot set this detailed pts settings scenario (special awared, points, method scenario), to test the bug#827 scripts

So therefor the ca-mgr1 environment should add a function to edit individual assurances ->
Function "Edit Assurances"
 => enter Notary-ID
 => display record
 => edit possible: awarded, points, method, location, date-when fields
 => update record

method to include all methods that are fixed in database enum field method:
ENUM('Face to Face Meeting','Trusted Third Parties','Thawte Points Transfer','Administrative Increase','CT Magazine - Germany','Temporary Increase','Unknown')
Additional Informationdiscussion is a followup from SA meeting 2011-09-13 between dirk and uli
instead of only do a bugfix 0000855 to add this advanced feature to ca-mgr1
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0000855 closedUli60 Main CAcert Website Fix adding TTP assurance method on testserver (was: admin console lists "empty" and "Unknown" ...) 
related to 0000827 closedegal Main CAcert Website Tverify points to be deprecated 
related to 0000888 closedNEOatNHNG Main CAcert Website to add new assurance method TTP 



2011-09-17 12:12

updater   ~0002452

probably only NEO has the experience to add such a routine

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-09-17 12:10 Uli60 New Issue
2011-09-17 12:12 Uli60 Note Added: 0002452
2011-09-17 12:12 Uli60 Assigned To => NEOatNHNG
2011-09-17 12:12 Uli60 Status new => needs work
2011-09-17 12:13 Uli60 Relationship added related to 0000855
2011-09-17 12:13 Uli60 Relationship added related to 0000827
2011-09-17 12:14 Uli60 Relationship added related to 0000888
2018-06-19 18:59 egal Category =>