View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000102Main CAcert Websiteaccount administrationpublic2013-01-13 16:00
ReporterSourcerer Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Fixed in Version2005 
Summary0000102: user and orga certificates not shown in admin interface yet
DescriptionThe admin interface "Find User" does not show issued client certificates (or any other certificates) yet. I guess we also need it for Orga certificates.
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duplicate of 0000103 closedINOPIAE Administrative interface doesn't show certificates 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-12-01 07:49 Sourcerer New Issue
2005-12-02 23:20 homer Relationship added duplicate of 0000055
2005-12-02 23:39 homer Relationship deleted 0000055
2005-12-08 20:32 evaldo Relationship added duplicate of 0000103
2005-12-08 20:32 evaldo Status new => closed
2005-12-08 20:32 evaldo Resolution open => duplicate
2013-01-13 16:00 Werner Dworak Fixed in Version => 2005