View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000117Main CAcert WebsiteGPG/PGPpublic2013-01-10 02:44
ReporterSourcerer Assigned To 
Status needs workResolutionopen 
Summary0000117: Key upload through File Upload
DescriptionIt would be good to be able to upload the Key through the File Upload mechanism instead of Copy&Pasting it. It´s difficult with some editors/operating systems to upload larger keys that way.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
cacert-gpgupload.patch (3,276 bytes)   
diff -rU3 cacert.orig/pages/gpg/0.php cacert/pages/gpg/0.php
--- cacert.orig/pages/gpg/0.php	2007-01-30 15:08:15.000000000 +0100
+++ cacert/pages/gpg/0.php	2007-07-18 13:55:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -20,3 +20,11 @@
 <input type="submit" name="process" value="<?=_("Submit")?>">
 <input type="hidden" name="oldid" value="<?=$id?>">
+<p><?=_("Alternatively, you can upload a file containing your key.")?></p>
+<p><?=_("DO NOT upload your complete keyring!")?></p>
+<form method="post" action="gpg.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+<input type="file" name="CSRfile">
+<input type="submit" name="process" value="<?=_("Submit")?>">
+<input type="hidden" name="oldid" value="<?=$id?>">
diff -rU3 cacert.orig/www/gpg.php cacert/www/gpg.php
--- cacert.orig/www/gpg.php	2007-02-07 16:51:20.000000000 +0100
+++ cacert/www/gpg.php	2007-07-18 14:41:12.000000000 +0200
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 	if($oldid == "0")
-		if($_REQUEST['process'] == _("Submit") && $_REQUEST['CSR'] == "")
+		if($_REQUEST['process'] == _("Submit") && $_REQUEST['CSR'] == "" && $_FILES['CSRfile']['tmp_name'] == "")
 			$_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] = _("You failed to paste a valid GPG/PGP key.");
 			$id = $oldid;
@@ -38,10 +38,17 @@
-	if($oldid == "0" && $_REQUEST['CSR'] != "")
+	if($oldid == "0" && ($_REQUEST['CSR'] != ""
+			     || $_FILES['CSRfile']['tmp_name'] != ""))
-		$debugkey = $gpgkey = clean_csr(stripslashes($_REQUEST['CSR']));
-		$debugpg = $gpg = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(`echo "$gpgkey"|gpg --with-colons --homedir /tmp 2>&1`));
+		if ($_REQUEST['CSR'] != "") {
+			$debugkey = $gpgkey = clean_csr(stripslashes($_REQUEST['CSR']));
+			$debugpg = $gpg = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(`echo "$gpgkey"|gpg --with-colons --homedir /tmp 2>&1`));
+		} else {
+			$debugkey = $gpgkey = $_FILES['CSRfile']['tmp_name'];
+			$debugpg = $gpg = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(`gpg --with-colons --homedir /tmp 2>&1 "$gpgkey"`));
+			echo "<pre>\n$gpgkey\n$gpg\n</pre>";
+		}
 		$lines = "";
 		$gpgarr = explode("\n", $gpg);
 		foreach($gpgarr as $line)
@@ -140,9 +147,13 @@
 			$do = `echo "$debugkey\n--\n$debugpg\n--" >> /www/tmp/gpg.debug`;
+		if ($oldid != "0" && $_FILES['CSRfile']['tmp_name'] != "") {
+			unlink($_FILES['CSRfile']['tmp_name']);
+		}
-	if($oldid == "0" && $_REQUEST['CSR'] != "")
+	if($oldid == "0" && ($_REQUEST['CSR'] != ""
+			     || $_FILES['CSRfile']['tmp_name'] != ""))
 		$query = "insert into `gpg` set `memid`='".$_SESSION['profile']['id']."',
@@ -156,12 +167,15 @@
 		$cwd = '/tmp/gpgspace'.$id;
-		$fp = fopen("$cwd/gpg.csr", "w");
-		fputs($fp, clean_csr(stripslashes($_REQUEST['CSR'])));
-		fclose($fp);
-		system("gpg --homedir $cwd --import $cwd/gpg.csr");
+		if ($_REQUEST['CSR'] != "") {
+			$fp = fopen("$cwd/gpg.csr", "w");
+			fputs($fp, clean_csr(stripslashes($_REQUEST['CSR'])));
+			fclose($fp);
+			system("gpg --homedir $cwd --import $cwd/gpg.csr");
+		} else {
+			system("gpg --homedir $cwd --import \"$gpgkey\"");
+			unlink($_FILES['CSRfile']['tmp_name']);
+		}
 		$descriptorspec = array(
 			0 => array("pipe", "r"),  // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
cacert-gpgupload.patch (3,276 bytes)   
Reviewed by
Test Instructions


related to 0001079 needs work GPG key can not be revoked 
related to 0000060 confirmed CSR debugger 


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-01-07 06:46 Sourcerer New Issue
2006-08-17 04:11 duane Status new => needs work
2006-08-17 04:11 duane Assigned To => duane
2007-06-25 08:12 evaldo Assigned To duane =>
2007-06-25 08:12 evaldo Status needs work => confirmed
2007-06-25 08:12 evaldo Projection none => minor fix
2007-07-18 14:55 pc File Added: cacert-gpgupload.patch
2012-12-20 18:46 Werner Dworak Relationship added related to 0000060
2013-01-10 02:36 Werner Dworak Status confirmed => needs work
2013-01-10 02:44 Werner Dworak Relationship added related to 0001079