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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001249Main CAcert Websiteweb of trustpublic2014-02-15 11:30
ReporterEva Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0001249: problems with " in the location field - session?
DescriptionWhen entering something containing the character " in the location field, I can enter the assurance without problems. When I try to assure the next person, the default entry in the location field is cut short with an \ instead of the ".

The correct entry is stored and displayed on the wot-pages.

But it is confusing anyway, and it can lead to wrong entries, if people are entering multiple assurances without checking the field again, since normally it will be set to the last entry one gave.

I tried this with:
bla, "blibber" blub
And got:
bla, \
(The number of \ is doubled each time one does not change the entry and assures the next one)
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-02-15 11:30 Eva New Issue