View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001408Main CAcert Websitemiscpublic2015-12-12 17:20
ReporterINOPIAE Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version2015 Q4 
Target Version2015 Q4 
Summary0001408: API to return the Assurer Status to be used from CAcert systems
DescriptionThe API should be used from internal CAcert systems to verify if a user that identifies himself with a CAcert certificate is an assurer.
Additional Informationfrist implementation could be portal
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Test Instructions


related to 0000649 needs review & testingEva verify that someone is an Assurer 
related to 0001295 fix availableBenBE fix_assurer_flag() function in includes/lib/account.php causes mysql 5.5 server warnings 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-12 17:19 INOPIAE New Issue
2015-12-12 17:19 INOPIAE Relationship added related to 0000649
2015-12-12 17:20 INOPIAE Relationship added related to 0001295