View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000706Test1.cacert.atpublic2012-12-27 19:19
Reporteregal Assigned ToSourcerer  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000706: No need to check CCA when joining CAcert
DescriptionIf you create a new account at CAcert, there is no need to set the checkmark to agree to the CCA.

Even if this information is not saved in the database, it should not be able to join CAcert without setting the checkmark ...
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
cca_agree.patch (1,154 bytes)   
diff -crb old/index.php new/index.php
*** old/index.php	2009-01-11 03:35:23.000000000 +0100
--- new/index.php	2009-03-10 00:59:12.000000000 +0100
*** 382,387 ****
--- 382,388 ----
  		$_SESSION['signup']['country'] = intval(array_key_exists('country',$_REQUEST)?$_REQUEST['country']:0);
  		$_SESSION['signup']['regional'] = intval(array_key_exists('regional',$_REQUEST)?$_REQUEST['regional']:0);
  		$_SESSION['signup']['radius'] = intval(array_key_exists('radius',$_REQUEST)?$_REQUEST['radius']:0);
+ 		$_SESSION['signup']['cca_agree'] = intval(array_key_exists('cca_agree',$_REQUEST)?$_REQUEST['cca_agree']:0);
  		if($_SESSION['signup']['Q1'] == $_SESSION['signup']['Q2'] ||
  			$_SESSION['signup']['Q1'] == $_SESSION['signup']['Q3'] ||
*** 442,447 ****
--- 443,453 ----
  			$id = 1;
  			$_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] .= _("Email Address was blank")."<br>\n";
+ 		if($_SESSION['signup']['cca_agree'] == "0")
+ 		{
+ 			$id = 1;
+ 			$_SESSION['_config']['errmsg'] .= _("You have to agree to the CAcert Community agreement.")."<br>\n";
+ 		}
  		if($_SESSION['signup']['pword1'] == "")
  			$id = 1;
cca_agree.patch (1,154 bytes)   


related to 0001121 closedNEOatNHNG Main CAcert Website Record the CCA acception for the account creation  



2009-03-10 01:46

administrator   ~0001301

Patch has been implemented. Please test and close the bug.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-03-10 00:12 egal New Issue
2009-03-10 00:17 egal File Added: cca_agree.patch
2009-03-10 01:46 Sourcerer Note Added: 0001301
2009-03-10 01:46 Sourcerer Status new => solved?
2009-03-10 01:46 Sourcerer Resolution open => fixed
2009-03-10 01:46 Sourcerer Assigned To => Sourcerer
2009-04-09 20:54 Sourcerer Status solved? => closed
2012-12-27 19:19 Werner Dworak Relationship added related to 0001121