0001137: [web of trust] Record the CCA acception for entering an assurance (BenBE)
0001237: [certificate issuing] Certificates should be issued using sha512WithRSAEncryption for signatures (NEOatNHNG)
0001070: [account administration] Certain account passwords are logged in web server error log. (NEOatNHNG)
0000448: [certificate issuing] when revoking a certificate, confusing info is given to the user (NEOatNHNG)
0001257: [account administration] CCA statistics generates error entry (BenBE)
0001239: [account administration] Increase textbox size for the secret questions during account creation (NEOatNHNG)
0001255: [certificate issuing] DSA certificate issuing ignores key strength (wytze)
0000440: [certificate issuing] Problem with subjectAltName (NEOatNHNG)
0001218: [certificate issuing] client cert issued no longer exportable with private key (class3). IE10 certs usage broken (NEOatNHNG)
0001135: [source code] Extend database table AdminLog et al (egal)
0000530: [certificate issuing] XMPP extension not present after renewal
0001035: [certificate issuing] CN gets deleted from subjectAltName on cert renewal
0000768: [certificate issuing] CAcert adds CommonName to SubjectAltName, although it's already there
0001195: [certificate issuing] Take out change ability on pages/account/6.php (wytze)
0001229: [website content] add short info to the create account page, that and why correct names should be entered (NEOatNHNG)
0001236: [account administration] Security questions rejected invalid on adding middle name (NEOatNHNG)
0001244: [website content] Put explanation text on front page (NEOatNHNG)
0001234: [web of trust] Link on assure someone ponts to the wrong web page (BenBE)
18 issues View Issues